As some one who grew up in the 60’s and lived through the music of so many talented artists of the 50’s,60’s,70’s, and then, of course, the 80’s. My family was very music oriented and I had the opportunity to be exposed to all kinds of music and still do enjoy a variety of music to this day, when so many people limit theirs into just one or two kinds.
I remember the band by the name of KISS, they really made a statement and the public went wild about it, they certainly made a name for themselves and became extremely rich and famous with their hard rock, make-up and special effects that mainly consisted of some sort of fire.
So when I stumbled onto Gene Simmons reality show, Gene Simmons Family Jewels, late one night I decided to check it out and I instantly became hooked on it. Once again I remember a lot of their music and for the most part enjoyed it, although I would not consider myself as a die hard fan, so I have not been following their lives, but for some reason their show is funny and entertaining and gives you an insight into their personal family life that just makes me feel good about them and it amuses me to watch them.
If you haven’t ever watched the show you may want to consider checking it out sometime for a laugh or two, usually at Gene Simmons expense.