For the Birds

On a whim I bought a little bird feeder and a bag of bird seed. I think I’ll put it in the front yard, by the living room window so I can watch if any birds come to it. I love birds and hope they come eat, safely and appreciated from my yard.

Three Heroes

3 heroes

What a great phot of three superstars These three are at the top of my list heroes. Richard Petty, NASCAR champion standing beside Reba McIntyre and Charlie Daniels. Wow!


There is a lot of shade in my yard, which is one reason I have a hard time getting any flowers, vegetables or even shrubs to grow. And now it turns out that there are a lot of different mushrooms that want to grow in my yard. I have seen 4 totally different types in different spots in my yard. I have to figure out how to get rid of them. I guess first I have to ID the different ones and then go to the hardware store to see what they have to kill them off.

California Drinking

My long time friend who has ended up in Southern California hasn’t called or email as much lately as he used to actually called today, he picked a crazy day to call, but I’m glad that he did.  He is such a wonderful person and life gave him the challenge of being gay, we’ve spent many an hour chatting about his lifestyle and he has had his ups and downs with it that is for sure.

He spent some time back in his old home town in Wisconsin, but small towns up north are not what you would call “gay friendly” so he didn’t stay there long.  He bounces around the states and I never know where he will be calling from next.  This time he was thinking of staying in California but of course life is challenging him once again.

He has always enjoyed the night life, since bars are the easiest place to meet other gays, but since he is fast approaching the age of 60 he has toned down his wild night life, for the most part.

After much prodding from his close friend – the poor guy went out the other night and it happens that someone must have slipped something into his drink(s), so he doesn’t remember all that much.  He does remember however, the L.A. police officer hand cuffing him, pieces of a ride in the smelly backseat of a police cruiser and most of all waking up the next a.m. in a cold, cramped and very scary jail cell.  His night out of the town ended up in getting himself a DUI.  And that, now a days, is serious and can cost $$$$$ and will make it difficult for him to keep his job as a city bus driver, bummer.

Of course by now he tells me that he has an attorney.  he even writes a blog on their website Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog | California Criminal Law Forum. They are one of the top 5% U.S. Law Firm that specializes in aggressive representation in the Southern California courts with criminal and DUI cases.