Since we have been getting a bit of rain everyday for the past week, hubby and I haven’t spent any time in the garden, but the rain has held off for two days now and we ventured outside today to have a look at it and we were both shocked with what we found. Our garden no longer resembled a garden, it had taken on the look of a small jungle, in just over a weeks time of daily rain and no chance for weeding, our garden kept us both busy for several hours this afternoon of back breaking picking and weeding.
We both came inside soaking wet with sweat and filthy dirty, with a major thirst for 2 large cold glasses of sweet iced tea, of which we both guzzled down instantly and was ready for more.
It was worth all of the effort because now we can see that the garden is producing, we saw several small tomatoes on the vines and some things that we aren’t sure of what they are. Looks like the garden will do us well this year, I sure hope so!