I have to tell you that I am pretty familiar with computers, we have had a PC in the house for over twelve years, at least, but who is counting? Hubby and I both use computers and work and of course we use it quite a bit a home for all kinds of reasons, email being the most important.
But when it comes to the complicated issues over and above are basic needs neither one of us really have a limited knowledge of a lot of things. I do have a brother who is a computer whiz, if any family member needs assistance, he is the one that we call.
Over the family Thanksgiving dinner, that was held a few weeks ago, we heard my brother discussing computer issues with another family member, which caught my husband’s attention and he ended up sitting in on the conversation, which included the topic of IP addresses and the like.
It appears that the IP address is very important to some people so that they can identify their visitors geographical location, their country, their zip code, time zone, connection speed and much more. This is fascinating information that hubby and I were completely unaware of and has us wanting to learn more. My brother instructed my hubby to visit Ip2location.com, a website dedicated to IP address information, and it is full of good information that I think is worth while to pass on to others here.