My husband and I had time alone since both of the kids were at friends houses for the night, so we took a walk in the park and seen actions that unfortunately happens a lot. A black man was laying down on one the benches that was near the walk way and a white man walked by him while were as well, just the opposite way of him though, and had heard the white man call the black man an N-Word, and told him to get a job.
He just kept going off with these awful words to use to anyone, especially someone you don’t even know. I think it is so outrageous how people treat one another these days still, why cant people just accept the fact that we are all living beings, and need to start treating each other with equal respect. Why be ignorant for any reason?
You think gas is expensive here in the U.S., you should see how much……
I know that every time we Americans whine about the cost of gas, someone will pipe up with the cost of gas in Europe is so much higher – that was the first thing that came out my my Hubby’s mouth a year or so ago when the price was once again starting to climb up drastically, it’s so expensive they sell it by the liter instead of the gallon, yadda yadda yadda.
Well, it’s too expensive here in the US and it is also too expensive in Europe. They had a huge truckers strike last month to make that point. I’m concerned that we are getting close to seeing the same thing here, as the cost of diesel is even higher than the $4 a gallon gasoline. If the truckers start causing shortages, the cost of everything will sky rocket.
I’m getting really nervous about how the cost of gas is going to affect us all and our quality of life in America. Might be a good time to make moves toward more self sufficiency and stocking up on essentials – just in case. Thoughts to ponder over.