My daughter has just brought to my attention that she wants to be a cheerleader at her school next year and try outs are in a week. I was a cheerleader in high school myself and it actually helped me academically and sociably, so I told her that I’ll be cheering her on, because I think it would be a great experience for her and give her a chance to meet new girls and maybe make some new friends. I cant wait to see her cheering at games next year, I know she’ll be great, she so flexible and very talented in dance, so cheer leading should be a piece of cake for her.
I’m so happy for her
My best friend has just moved here from Maine and is just getting settled in. Within a few weeks she has met one of my close guy friends and had started dating him not too long ago. She seems to be in a happy little world of her own, which makes me happy, because for a while there she thought she wasn’t going to find a good guy the treated her right and all, now shes happier then she ever imagined. I’m so happy for her, I hope she gets everything she ever dreamed of.
Credit Card deals to be found
Hubby and I are going to sit and review our present credit card situation. I want to see if we can downsize, I just paid off one credit card this month and will no longer use it, that is a good feeling.
There is a great variety of attractive and very profitable deals to be made by taking the time to research on a web-site, so I know what we will be doing in the next couple of days or so. It is not something that I look forward to doing all that much, paperwork just drives me up the wall and Hubby is not known for his patience, but if in the end we end up saving and or earning money it will be well worth the effort, wouldn’t you agree?
Rainy Days
It has been raining like crazy since last week, and its supposed to keep raining all weekend long. My kids have been driving me crazy with the whole “I’m bored” spiel ever since Thursday, because my kids are usually always outside playing sports or playing in the yard with toys and friends. My son especially, he absolutely loves playing basketball all day, everyday. The weekends are usually my time to relax since I work all week at two full time jobs and most of the time worn out and not being able to move at all after work, but I almost always try to make time for family events or just little things to do with the kids to keep them happy and cheerful. Hubby on the other hand, sometimes is required to work on the weekends but usually most of the time comes home and plays with the kids until they all can’t move, which I think is so awesome that he does that. But this weekend is a little hard on all of us, Hubby and I are both feeling a bit sick and can hardly get the energy to move to do anything, and the kids are so bored because its rainy heavily outside and they cant do any activities they normally do. SO I got up today and went to the movie store an rented quit a few movies for them that they have been wanting to see here for a while, and hopefully it keeps them busy long enough to where we can feel better and do family things again. I hope it stops pouring out there soon, I’ll smile big when it happens, I know my kids sure will be smiling big.
Inspiring nephew
I have a nephew who is in his second year of college at one of the top elite universities here on the east coast, so he is not too far away but is still not as close as we would like him to be. He is a great kid and is bond to make a name for himself and will definitely make a difference in this world in numerous ways in his life time. Can you tell that I am a proud aunt!
His mom really misses him and only gets to see him maybe 2 or 3 times a year, his Dad lives way up north and he is constantly trying to appease both parents when it comes to holiday visits and vacations. Of course my sister seems to be constantly getting the short end of the stick, but that is the same struggle that she was dealing with even before he left for college. It really sucks when a kid is bounced back and forth and is stuck trying to please both sets of parents.
When he does get a chance to visit, he spends most of his time sleeping, eating and doing homework, which leaves not enough time, as far as she is concerned, for them to just hang out and talk and to do things together, alas she cherishes every moment that she can get out of him when she can.
Good Luck! – Part 2
LUCKY SEVEN. Seven is the sum of three and four, the triangle and the square, which ancient Greeks considered the two “perfect figures.” The lunar cycle, which is 28 days, is divided into four seven-day quarters: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Third Quarter. It may also come from the game of craps, where rolling a seven wins the roll.
LUCKY HUNCHES. Believe it or not, this is from the days when rubbing a hunchback’s hump was considered good luck. The ancient Egyptians worshipped a hunchbacked god named Bes, and the ancient Romans hired hunchbacks as servants because they thought it brought the household good luck.
“IN March 1997, the Sunday Oklahoman profiled Oklahoma City homemaker Mary Clamser, 44, whose deterioration with multiple sclerosis had been abruptly halted in 1994 when lightning struck her house while she was grasping metal objects with each hand and wearing her metal leg brace.
“Suddenly, she began walking easily, and though doctors told her the condition was probably only temporary, she still walks easily today. As if that weren’t enough good luck, Clamser, in order to fly to California for a TV interview in April 1995, was forced to cancel a local appointment she had made at the Oklahoma City federal building for 9 a.m. on April 19.”
“Taken from Uncle John’s Biggest Ever Bathroom Reader”
Good Luck!
You’re familiar with these lucky customs. Here’s where they come from:
LUCKY STAR. Centuries ago, people believed that every time a person was born, a new star appeared in the sky. The star was tied to the person’s life: it would stay in the sky until the person died, and it rose or fell as the individual’s fortunes rose and fell (that’s where the expression “rising star” comes from). The Hebrew phrase mazel tov, which means “good luck,” also translates as “good constellation,” or “may the stars be good to you.”
LUCKY CHARM. “Charm” comes from the Latin word carmen, which means “song” or “incantation.” People once believed that certain words or phrases had magical powers when recited – some-thing which survives today in words like “abracadabra” and “open seasame.” In time, anything that brought luck, not just “magic words,” became known as charms.
STARTING OUT ON THE RIGHT FOOT. A term from the ancient Romans, who believed that entering a building with the left foot was bad luck. They took the belief to extremes, even stationing guards of “footmen” at the entrances of buildings to make sure every visitor “started out on the right foot.”
THIRD TIME’S A CHARM. Philip Waterman writes in The Story of Superstition, “Of all the numbers in the infinite scale, none has been more universally revered than three.” The Greek philosopher Pythagoras thought the number three was the “perfect number,” and many cultures have used triangles to ward off evil spirits. The reason it’s bad luck to walk under a ladder (aside from the obvious ones) is that you’re “breaking” the triangle that the ladder makes with the ground.
“Taken from Uncle John’s Biggest Ever Bathroom Reader“
My Son is missing school more and more
My Son has been having stomach issues for the past year now, and has been missing way too many days of school. I honestly think that they will hold him back a year, but the doctor has told me he thinks it’s depression and it’s something that a pill wouldn’t solve. Months later, there is no sign of him getting better, so I came to a conclusion that my son is not depressed, he is the happiest little boy ever. He just wakes up in the morning and has painful tummy aches that we can’t seem to figure out the reasoning for. I don’t know what to do, and hopefully the doctor we go to next week can help us out on this error of judgement from the other doctor.
Chocolate for Mother’s Day!
Chocolate, I love chocolate, which is really strange, because for the last 20 years or so I had lost my taste for this wonderful treat that I can’t seem to get enough of this last year or so. I even like the sound of the word!
I was looking at some sites for Mother Day gift ideas, when I ran across this site and not only did I see some great gift ideas for all of the mothers in my life, but I found some nice ideas that I will have to share with Hubby and the girls, so that they will have an idea of what I would like to receive this year, and Mother’s Day is coming quickly this year.
This really tastey site has not only great gift giving ideas, but corporate gifts, plus I see that they also offer fundraising opportunities that my come in handy when my input is required for the many fundraising events that my girls are always getting me in to.
Movie and Dinner Time
Hubby and I haven’t done anything together in a long while, so we thought we would go eat dinner at Red Lobster and then go the theatre and watch a movie we haven’t seen yet this Friday evening. I can’t wait until I get to get out of the house, just the two of us. I finally get to spend some quality time with my hubby, for a change.