Did the Easter Bunny Find You?

The Easter Bunny was at my house this morning. He left me a basket with chocolate eggs, yellow marshmallow peeps, and a big bag of jelly beans. I have never tried these jelly beans before. They are the Jolly Rancher brand of jelly beans, with fruit smoothie flavors. Sadly, that means no black liquorice jelly beans. But some of the fruit smoothie flavors sound nice! I love Easter candies – this is one of my favorite holidays – all good food and sweet things! Happy Easter!

Valentines Hearts


Valentines candies that say how us single-and-not-really-dating-anyone people feel about celebrating a holiday for people in love. And we are not. So this holiday is like, a waste of time. Except that tomorrow I can buy up a big stash of good candies on sale for less than half price! There’s always a silver lining!