Do you remember when computers first came out and all the Windows-based computers had preloaded games n them, like Canfield and Minesweep?
I used to play the Canfield game for about 5 minutes every afternoon when I needed a mental health break. My boss would go ballistic if she came into my office and saw me playing solitaire. She would scream about cheating the company by wasting time playing games.
I would put up with her rants for a while, but honestly she wasted 10 times more time than I ever did. That bitch would take smoke breaks every hour or two, write poems to her boyfriend, and make long personal calls – all on company time.
I think that people are entitled to a short break during the day, whether you are stupid enough to stand outside in the cold and puff on a cigarette or choose to stay at your desk – still available to take phone calls and answer questions – and play a 5 minute solitaire game on the computer to help clear your mind and take away some of the stress from your day.