Playing Solitaire for Stress Relief

Do you remember when computers first came out and all the Windows-based computers had preloaded games n them, like Canfield and Minesweep?

I used to play the Canfield game for about 5 minutes every afternoon when I needed a mental health break. My boss would go ballistic if she came into my office and saw me playing solitaire. She would scream about cheating the company by wasting time playing games.

I would put up with her rants for a while, but honestly she wasted 10 times more time than I ever did. That bitch would take smoke breaks every hour or two, write poems to her boyfriend, and make long personal calls – all on company time.

I think that people are entitled to a short break during the day, whether you are stupid enough to stand outside in the cold and puff on a cigarette or choose to stay at your desk – still available to take phone calls and answer questions – and play a 5 minute solitaire game on the computer to help clear your mind and take away some of the stress from your day.

Who IS this Cee Lo Green Dude?

There is this singer who shows up every once in a while on the cable music pop channels and on some awards shows. He is like the black Elton John with crazy costumes and nothing but nonsense music.

Where the heck did this crazy dude come from? Is he British? I don’t like his songs at all and his crazy costumes and clothing makes me cringe. Why do people like that make so much money and get all this publicity? Do people really like weirdos like this?

Facebook Frustrations

This is the second year that I’ve had a Facebook account and I’m getting frustrated with it. I know most people like to complain about the changes being made to the program itself. They complain about the new looks and new features, saying that Facebook staffers are meddling with something that is already good. I think most of those people are just old fuddies who don’t like change – for the sake of not liking change.

But my frustration is from the people who are on there using it. When I started out with my account I had about 80 friends. These were people that I know in real life and most of what I said on Facebook was a close match to what I would say to these people to their face.

Somehow over the past two years my friends list has grown to almost 500 people and I have to admit that there are a lot of people on there that I do not know personally. They are more like friends of friends and maybe i will meet some of them one day.

But these people who are friends of friends can be a strange bunch of people. They spout off about all kinds of things that I do not agree with, on every subject from religion to politics to bashing celebrities. I worry that these people who say such extreme things might be reflecting on me, even though I do not agree with a lot of what they say. I am seriously considering deleting a lot of these people who are not really friends and who do not reflect my own values.

Happy New Year!

Last night we partied downtown and welcomed 2012 in style! There was a free concert on the riverfront and there was a short fireworks show. Ever single bar and restaurant was jam packed with people. Thankfully the weather was pleasant and there were no problems with drunks getting into fights. Everyone seemed to be in a happy mood and we all had a lot of fun.