Thanking the Pilgrims and Indians Today

pilgrim bear

Our ancestors were very brave, coming to the New World with nothing but what they could carry onto a boat and high hopes. It is amazing that they survived and had a Thanksgiving feast with the Indians. I’m not that adventurous or brave, but i am glad they did it.

Dog Toys

My dogs love to play with toys that I buy for them with squeakers inside them. I guess the squeak sounds like a baby animal that brings out their hunting instincts. If the toys is plastic, they tear open the plastic pretty quickly to get to the squeaker. The ones that are fabric get torn open quickly, too, and all the stuffing gets pulled out. I like the new ones with no stuffing – there is no mess to clean up.

A Peek into Our Police State

Have you seen the show, Person of Interest”? I think the story premise is frightening. When I watched the previews it was creepy, but I forced myself to watch it. And it was pretty much exactly what I thought it was, which is disturbing. It is pure, subtle propaganda for a police state. The idea is that two guys who care about the world are going after people before they commit a crime because they have special access to data. They are making it look ok and cool because they put their Hollywood spin on it. But imagine being intercepted by law enforcement because they think or assume that you are going to be involved in a crime – no evidence, no proof – just their personal assumption and some computer data from a questionable source. That is frightening to me.