When I acted on a whim and got my dog, I had no idea how much time and money I was going to have to spend on taking care of her. She is a great dog, but I really have to work at caring for her, with grooming, flea and tick prevention, annual check ups and now allergies.
Evidently she is allergic to grass. It does not make her sneeze like humans do with grass allergies. It irritates her feet like acid when she walk on it. After we go for a walk in the yard and come back in the house, she immediately starts licking her feet. Sometimes she even chews on her feet to the point that they are bleeding.
I took her to the vet so he could check her and he helped me figure out that it is allergies. So I have had to start giving her foot baths at night and when they get very sore I put a special creme on them and cover them in bandages so she can’t lick off the creme before it has a chance to work. The vet says if they get too bad that I can bring her in for a shot, but that costs $60 and she would have to get the shot at least once a month.
I never heard of dogs having an allergy to grass until she started having the sore feet. Who knew?