Tin Pan South

I’m headed for Nashville this afternoon for the Tin Pan South festival. This is the week that Nashville honors the songwriters. There are shows all over town at all the different kinds of show venues for gatherings of all the great and the new songwriters.

I have an all access pass, so I can go to any show that I want. This is going to be so much fun! Plus I get to see one of my Facebook friends, Wendy, while I’m in town. This is going to be a great week!

Hello Miss Evelyn

My darling neighbor is Evelyn Dewars. I have known Miss Evelyn for probably 20 plus years. She has always been next door as long as I can remember. so imagine my surprise when we bumped into each other at the gas station and she mentioned something in her blog. I didn’t eve know she was writing a blog! So I thought it would be nice to mention Miss Evelyn in my blog and see if she likes that.

Got a Pen?

Have you noticed how none of the grocery stores keep pens at the check out counter any more? They have a stylus for using the credit card machine and they don’t want you to write a check any more. At my Food Lion, they take my blank check and run it through their register. Then they give me back the check! It makes to sense to even write the check out if they are going to give it back to you!