Every once in a while I catch the Cafferty File on CNN and he always cracks me up. He can be so sarcastic and insulting, with such a sincere hangdog look on his face! He talked about the Presidential Race today, mostly insulting VP Candidate Palin. Although he make a lot of pointed barbs at Palin, his point was well taken. McCain could have picked anyone else from a large field of qualified people but chose Palin. That will probably be his downfall, which is a real shame. McCain would make a great President but that requires solid judgement and he is not demonstrating the ligh levels that we need. His choice of an inferior running mate was made for all the wrong reasons and, like Cafferty, I think that will cost him the election next week.
Funny Guy
There is a guy who writes a daily column for the online version of the daily newspaper in San Francisco. His name is Mark Morford. He is a very intelligent man with a cutting wit and I love to read his columns. I don’t always agree with him, but it is entertaining to read what he thinks about current events and issues.
Today’s column is about the remaining undecided voters for the upcoming election. It is less than 2 weeks away and he feels that everyone should have made up their minds by now. His assertion is that anyone who has not made up their mind must have very little minds with which to work. Very funny!
How to Win
There are a lot of games that I like to play. I’m a very competitive person by nature. I especially like one-on-one games where you don’t depend on anyone but yourself and you can get into the head of your opponent. Like Chess or Mastermind. I don’t like the games where cheating is rewarded, like Cribbage or Dominoes.
When I play, I like to win on my own strengths. Sure, sometimes I win because my opponent has made a mistake, is incompetent, or even had a run of bad luck. But those wins are not as satisfying to me as the ones where I truly play my best game and win on my superior strategy and game skills.
I wish the candidates felt that way about their campaigns. I’m about sick of the attacks on each other. That type of speech does not impress me at all.
Six Flags Halloween Haunt
Found a great way to have fun on Halloween – go to the Six Flags Halloween Haunt! The entire theme park has been converted into haunted houses, graveyards and other spooky things. They have characters in spooky costumes roaming about the park, too. I wonder if the park guests are supposed to come in costume? I have some friends that could dress up and go crazy at a place like that.
TV Crime Shows
All the TV crime shows are so interesting and full of crime solving information. I hope that the information they provide in the shows is correct. Like, in CSI, they mentioned that every crime has a “Trinity”
- Victim
- Suspect
- Location
So, I wonder if the police really use that term or is that something the writer’s made up to sound cool? I love the CSI shows because they are always talking about technical details and police lino that sound real.