New mower

Well the old mower finally died. I guess I am going to have to buy a new one, because I am tired of trying to fix the old one. Since I like to garden, I am going to splurge a little. There is a small John Deere tractor that has the mowing deck as well as other attachments for tilling, post hole digging attachment and such. I have enough property to warrant buying one, because I will get plenty of use out of it.

We have long wanted to put up a fence around the property and this way I can do it myself, without hiring a company to come out and do it for me. I will have all of the necessary tools at my disposal. Of course, once I do that my wife will probably start buying livestock, but I don’t mind. She has these little miniature horses that she just fell in love with and wants to buy so badly. They are kind of cute, but I told her that if she wants pets like that, she has to buy others for food as well. Some goats would be nice to have. Goat milk is really good for you and you can make lots of stuff with it. I guess this year is going to be interesting to say the least.