No Comments are coming

I often wonder if anyone is even reading this blog that I have taken to writing every now and then, I’m not even receiving any Spam, amazing as that sounds.

I know  I haven’t spent as much time as I intended to, but life does have a way of keeping one busier than they would like at times. I guess I need to get off my duff and start doing a bit more here and there. The weather is changing, the Holidays are approaching faster than I would like to see, but is inevitable, and with it comes all the nasty cold that will require a nice warm fireplace going full blast in the house.

The collecting of firewood seems to be the next major concern and chore that needs tending to it seems.

The 2008 Olympics are here

So many topics to talk about concerning the events that are taking place in China, while hosting the 2008 Olympics this year. I usually enjoy watching the Olympics and have had opportunities to attend some of the games in the past, but never have actually made it to any of them.

This particular location that they picked for hosting the games, in China, has had it’s ups and downs, and it is the first time that I haven’t kicked myself in the rear for not making more of an effort to personally attend this most exciting and interesting event.

The air quality in China is a major issue and I can really feel for the participants that are having to deal with such a problem as not being able to breath properly while trying to perform the best that they have ever had to, in order to take home a medal. It has been a real eye opener for the rest of the world, and maybe now something will be done to make China a better place to live and breath in the future.

I wish them all the luck in the world, and I hope that the US can kick some butt and bring home a good amount of medals for us to rant and rave about, until the next Olympic games are held.

Grandmother is at it again.

The wife and I have been discussing grandmothers latest decision to stay where she is at rather then to move in with us. She says she has been on her own since she was knee high to a grasshopper and doesn’t see any reason for me to worry about how she’ll be getting along. It’s a good thing we’ve relatives nearby or I’d have grandmother really ticked off at me for moving her out of where she is now and into a guest room at our own home. Sometimes what we think is the right thing to do isn’t right at all for the concerning party.

Grandmother is a hardheaded old woman with strong opinions about how things should be. but she did promise that if it got to the point where she can no longer take care of her own personal needs, she’d give me a call before she’d ring my sister because she believes sis is just out to get the family land or some such thing. She told me every time she confides in sis about something the girl gets, “all whacked out” about everything! Grandmother is a hoot at times and I must agree with her about sis’s overreacting to nearly everything these days. The girl does have a tendency to blow things way out of proportion to say the least.

Kid found a link to the past

Our oldest girl called us from California where she and her college roommates have rented a place on the beach for two weeks while they’re on school break. She was excited to find that their neighbor actually knows me and her mom very well. Turns out  they had rented a small apartment on Mission Beach right next to an old friend of ours from back when we traveled around the country.

Now I’m sure that me and the Mrs. will get to here all about what our friend tells our daughter about us in the old days. She was never really very enthusiastic about stories of our past when she had to hear it from us, but she seems really excited about finding out that we really did have a life before kids from someone else. Maybe it’s because she’s three thousand miles away and ran into someone that actually knows her parents that she’d never met before and totally by accident.

Kids, they can be amusing.

Top Ten Words Not To Use On Your Blog Title

I am finding myself looking around at other people’s blogs and finding out some wonderful information that I am finding useful in my newbie stage of blog writing. One such site that I visited today tells of the Top Ten Words Not To Use In Your Blog Title and they are the following words, according to a blogger on the web-site of

The top ten names to avoid:
* blog
* life
* weblog
* world
* from
* journal
* news
* thoughts
* with
* daily

Interesting food for thought that I wanted to share here.

Independence Day Festivities

This year the 4th of July happens to fall on a Friday which means that a lot of people have gone out of town in order to take advantage of a three day week-end, but there are still plenty of folks who are still in town and the neighborhood is filled with wonderful smelling aroma’s from all of the outdoor barbecues that are going on in backyards everywhere today.

I happen to go into town and was visiting a friend that lives in a very diverse neighborhood so the aromas from many nations are mingling together and it makes for an interesting experience if you happen to wander outside during all of this grilling. It isn’t just hamburgers and hot dogs that I smell anymore.

I have not found myself going to see a firework display in quite a few years, just not into the crowds much anymore, but I did get to kick back and watch many wonderful fireworks that were being televised from all over the U.S.  I got to view these on my brand new 49″ Flat screen HD TV.  I enjoyed them in the privacy of my own home, which is the way I prefer things in today’s complex world.

Sky Dogs

I do on occasion have a few friends and family members come by for brief visits time to time. I enjoy the children that are brought along and  I do have a way with children. My house is full of interesting and unusual artifacts that it doesn’t take long to get a kid interested in a certain piece or a collection of the various Native Americana items that are so fascinating and hold many interesting stories and myths inside them.

I even have a few books that I enjoy telling them stories from, for some of the ones they can sit down long enough to really pay attention and listen too.  One of my favorites just so happens to be about my own people of the Indian nation and it is called, “Sky Dogs”, and was written by Jane Yolen.

When horses first appeared to the Blackfeet people, they thought the strange animals were large dogs sent as a gift from the sky – from God, creator of all things.

It’s a good story, if you run across a copy I urge you to pick it up and give it a read. It is a short story of our people and how they came to know of horses.

When President’s Lie

I have always enjoyed reading, I can’t remember ever there being a time in my life, that I didn’t have at least one book that was holding my attention and I find that I’m usually in the middle of reading several books at a time, I read depending on my mood.

I am very interested in early American history and have many a bookcases overflowing with books on this subject, and I am very proud of some of these treasurers, and am always looking for new ones to add to my growing collection.

I picked up a book by the name of “When President’s Lie” which is a History of Official Deception and It’s Consequences, by Eric Alterman, which is a little bit off of the beaten path of what I usually find myself interested in, but a buddy of mine read it and was talking so highly of it, that when I saw it at the Dollar Store for only $1, I decided to give it a try. I hope that I won’t be disappointed, I’ll let you know what I think of it in a week or so.

Block Party ends nicely

I was at a neighborhood block party last night and met some new people that I had not met before. Not that its much of a “neighborhood” being as our closest real neighbor is at least ten miles away, we still got to town though, as do many of those who dwell in the mountains here. But when I go to the town-wide neighborhood street parties, I go with some reservations. You see, I don’t usually like to be around people I don’t know.  You never know what kind of person they are or what they are capable of.  However, I do like going to the street parties to hobnob with the few that show up that are my age and share my interests and see what’s going on in their lives that might actually be of interest.

So it was with quite a bit of surprise that I met a woman about my age who shares the same musical interests that I have, likes the same kinds of movies, television shows and books that I do, and shares my love of animals. So we spent quite a bit of time socializing and she told me to check out her blog when I got home and had a chance to check it out. I did, and I was glad that I did because now I feel like I’ve gotten to know her a little better. I hope we can keep in touch!

April Fool’s Day

One holiday that has always puzzled me is explained so well in the following definition:

April Fool’s Day, although not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools’ errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. Traditionally, in some countries, the jokes only last until noon. If you play a trick on someone after this time you are the April Fool. Elsewhere, for example in France, the jokes may last all day.

Taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  It came in handy.