When President’s Lie

I have always enjoyed reading, I can’t remember ever there being a time in my life, that I didn’t have at least one book that was holding my attention and I find that I’m usually in the middle of reading several books at a time, I read depending on my mood.

I am very interested in early American history and have many a bookcases overflowing with books on this subject, and I am very proud of some of these treasurers, and am always looking for new ones to add to my growing collection.

I picked up a book by the name of “When President’s Lie” which is a History of Official Deception and It’s Consequences, by Eric Alterman, which is a little bit off of the beaten path of what I usually find myself interested in, but a buddy of mine read it and was talking so highly of it, that when I saw it at the Dollar Store for only $1, I decided to give it a try. I hope that I won’t be disappointed, I’ll let you know what I think of it in a week or so.

Good News about Algae

I think that instead of using salt water to create fuel to run our outrageous amount of vehicles that are clogging up the roads at alarming numbers, that using algae to create fuel is a much more reasonable path to take.  I’ve been reading several articles as of late, about making fuel from algae, and I saw that some companies have already began using fuel made from algae, including one airline company!

This is awesome news because algae is NOT fossil fuel; it is a renewable resource that will produce less harm to the environment!  There is a website about algae fuel that I found that has a lot of information about the subject.  If you are interested in learning more about this exciting news, please click here.

Native Tribes discovered as “uncontacted”

I am always amazed when I hear news of uncontacted native tribes being “discovered.”  There is a story that I saw one today about a tribe in Brazil that shows pictures from a recent “flyover.”  These poor natives are photographed aiming flaming arrows right at the aircraft that is taking their pictures.  Can you imagine the horror and dread these natives are feeling as they see this “monster” flying overhead?

Makes me think whether it really is in the tribes best interest, as human beings, to be left undeveloped or is it in their best interest to be contacted and taught “modern ways.”  That is a moral and ethical decision I know I’ll never have to make, and I’m glad that I don’t have the responsibility of having to make that decision

The need of changing the oil always comes too soon

As one of those people who thought that you had to change your oil every 3000 miles I was excited to see a story the other day that said, with the advances in oil and the better engines that they have developed in recent years that it is not necessarily required to change your oil every 3000 miles. Many of the new oils will last until 5000 miles or even longer if you use synthetic oils they will last up to 10,000 miles.

This is very good news for me, considering I made sure that from the beginning that my vehicle has only used the synthetic type of oil, so it seems that I have a few thousand miles left to go before having to deal with all of that.