A work in progress

My daughter and I bought a small lake house to renovate and then sell, but the more we work in the place, the more we are starting to think of it as our special project that we are going to keep. I know this doesn’t look like much right now, but as you can see, we have totally gutted the inside of the house and hope to at least get much of it finished by the end of the summer.

It is amazing to me that we can work so well together on a project like this. We have very similar tastes in color and style. And she knows how to use the tools properly, because – I taught her!

My parents used to do these kind of projects while we were growing up. All of us kids were expected to pitch in and help with every project. Even the youngest kid was able to drag trash across the room to the trash can, or pick up trash from around the yard. The older kids would swing a hammer, paint, even hang cabinets. We spent a lot of time together as a family and when we were finished we had a beautiful home ready for some lucky family to live in!