Great Site for Gadgets and More

Like I have told you before, I love gadgets. The only problem is I hate to buy them when they first come out because that’s usually when they have all the ‘bugs’ in them. Then you’ve spent your hard, very hard sometimes, but hard earned money on a dud. I work to hard to buy a dud, know what I mean? I like to find reviews of new products so I have a little better idea that they’re what they say they are. You know, they do what they’re supposed to do and are worth going out and buying it.

I came across this web site that gives you a guide on the Hottest Products. It’s called PLR Membership Sites and even though you have to be a member, it’s worth it to get an accurate product review. There are sites on just about everything from A to Z. Some that caught my eye were Alternative & Renewable energy, Customer Service Software, Dating on the Internet, Foreign Languages, and even Grants Directory.

Battery Blues

One item that was recently in the news was all about button batteries. This type of battery is round and looks similar to a penny or other small coins. These batteries can be found in a number of products such as toys and cell phones. The problem is that they can be very dangerous to children.

Everyone knows that kids can get into everything. They also like to put things in their mouths. The problem is that these batteries can be a choking hazard to kids. They also pose a serious threat to your health if swallowed. Acids in the battery can become caustic and actually burn a hole right through your body. Notify authorities immediately if you suspect someone has swallowed a battery!

You’re Choice

One of my favorite things to do is to keep track of all the cars that are available. I love cars and trucks and like to keep tabs on the best ones. I have been doing some research into this area and have a few cars and trucks I’d like to mention. The first one is the cadillac escalade hybrid. This is a beautiful car that has a lot to offer. Not only is the gas mileage great, but it is a well built hybrid. Anyone who has concerns about the environment would be well satisfied with this vehicle. I like its looks and I know that the cadillac quality is contained therein.

The next vehicle that I would like to mention is one of my old favorites. It’s the hummer h3t and the new model is coming out this year. While in many ways it is steeped with the same old qualities we have come to expect, there are some new changes. This year’s model will have the capability to run on an up to 85 percent blend of ethanol. They also have some new color schemes to please the eye. All in all, it’s the same old standard but with a few improvements.

Whenever I want to have a nice vehicle for getting some work done, I turn to the gmc canyon. With its v8 power, it has all the pulling power I need to carry the loads I have. It is fairly fuel efficient and comes with many standard options. It is also one of the safest vehicles on the road as it has received the five-star crash tests scores. It is a likeable little truck that will grow on you over time.

The last thing I want to say is that all of these vehicles are very nice. You just have to determine what your needs are going to be. You can always go online in order to find out more info when necessary. Whatever one you choose, I am confident you will come away feeling good about your choice.

No Brainer

With the season for vacations coming on, it is time to start making a decision on where to take my family this year. I have discussed the situation with all the members of my family and we are all sure that we want to go to a beach. The only question was which beach to visit. I started to do some research online and found that there was one place that stood out above all the rest.

I was poking around the internet one day when I came across a site called I became interested and read the information they had prepared. I was impressed with all the information about a Myrtle Beach hotel that I think would be perfect for me and my family. It has something for everyone and would keep us all busy. There was some more good news as well.

Everyone knows that I have a passion for golf. I couldn’t imagine a better vacation than one where I get to play a few rounds. It seems that the area around all the resorts in Myrtle Beach is full of golf courses that would challenge even me. All this combined with the fact that my kids and wife want to go adds up to a no brainer decision. We will be at Myrtle Beach this year!

The Fridge!!

One of the major intersections around our house is the refrigerator. It seems the kids are always in front of it and looking in. I have been known to open it and stare in myself. The thing is that I know for the most part what’s inside, but still hope to find a hidden morsel that will assuage my hunger. The fridge has many other uses as well.

We have many magnets on our fridge which hold any number of papers. Some are the kid’s school papers which have good grades on them and some contain semi-important phone numbers. Of course we have the usual amount of pizza places and Chinese take-out flyers. If you want something to be noticed, I think the best place to put it is on the fridge!

Unwanted Visitor!

I was lying on the couch when I heard my son making a ruckus upstairs. It seems that he was trying to corner a mouse in his bedroom. I don’t know how the mouse got in or how long he has been there, but I agreed with my son that we needed to get him out! The mouse got away despite our efforts to catch him and we decided to set some traps for him.

One of the best ways to trap a mouse is by setting the following trap. Take a common trash can and place it in the middle of a room the mouse is known to frequent. Lean a board from the floor up to the can. Place an empty cardboard center from a paper towel roll on the edge of the can. The mice love tunnels and will enter and fall into the can. Works every time! We took the mouse for a ride and let him go in the woods. Problem solved!

Books galore!

Last fall I visited a yard sale. I was surprised to find a number of excellent books for sale. At 25 cents each, I thought they were a steal. I found such authors as Stephen King, Tom Clancy, and Robin Cook. Needless to say, I grabbed all I could get and brought them home. I have a large shelf full of books and I am constantly adding to it.

I really enjoy reading a little each night before I lay down. It helps me relax and I like the stories. I’ve read all my life and I hope I can pass on this hobby to my kids. I think it’s important to expand the mind whenever possible. I am keeping my eyes open for the next opportunity to buy more of these treasures!


One thing we have all been hearing about lately is the new 3D technology that has been spouted as the latest craze. Before we get too excited about it though, we need to look at some of its drawbacks. The first major drawback is the money that will be needed to purchase the new TV that is required. Our old TVs won’t be able to work with the new technology and will have to be replaced.

Another drawback will be the necessity of wearing 3D goggles to view the shows produced. That may be uncomfortable as well as a turnoff. There are still more problems with the technology that will occur. In order to redo the thousands of shows for 3D will be problematic for studios as the process to update the shows is difficult and time consuming. My opinion is that this is a technology that will not catch on anytime soon!

Happy Birthday!!

It’s that time of year again when somebody I know is having a birthday! I wanted everyone to lend me a hand in saying Happy Birthday to my niece Amanda who is turning 5 years old today. I hope she will have a great day and I’m sure she will.

I was informed that Amanda will be spending the day at a local Chucky Cheeses with several of her friends. I believe that along with all the presents she will undoubtedly receive, she’ll be in for a day to remember.

Happy Birthday Amanda!

Looking Forward to the Release of the PS4

Now that my Playstation 3 is pretty much obsolete, I’m going to waste any more money buying games for the PS3 platform. I’m looking forward to the release of the PS4 around Christmas and the improvements to the technology and graphics of the new system. I plan on being one of the first in this town to own the new PS4 and whatever new games are coming out for that platform.