The Zoo

I love audio books I have never been much of a reader but I will tell you that audio books are a truck drivers best friend they are a great way to keep you entertained during the long hours of driving when you are sick of listening to the radio because you have heard the same songs over and over. I am currently listening to a book called The Zoo. It is great and it is keeping me on the edge of my seat. It is about animals going crazy and attacking people for no reason all over the world and the scientist who is trying to prove to the world that it is actually happening and he is not crazy if you haven’t read the book you should and if you don’t like to read do like me and listen to it.

No work some fun

I have been training and studying so hard I think it’s time for some fun so me and a couple of my friends are going out. We are going to go have a nice dinner and then go to a movie. I really want to see Zero Dark Thirty but everyone else wants to see Django Unchained so I guess that’s what we will go see. I just can’t wait for a night of nothing but fun with all my friends this may be the last time I will be able to go out like this because after school I will have at least a couple of weeks of training over the road and won’t be home for weeks or even months.

I am worried about missing my friends and family and holidays but once I get settled I will try be home for all the important things no job is worth sacrificing whats really important.

Jeff Dunham

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I just can’t get enough of this comedian. He is hilarious. I used to think that these puppet dudes were stupid until this guy came out. He has a way with his comedy that really makes it work. He has a lot of puppets too. I am going to go see him the next time he comes to my area for sure.




Went out with the boys last night. We had a blast playing pool and watching whatever sports were on the big screen tvs. It was a really casual night. Usually we go clubbing and try to pick up women, but we really have gotten tired of it. I enjoy laid back nights when we just kind of hang out. It can get too hectic in the clubs sometimes. Dating is like a game to people and I really get tired of games.

I would rather just meet a girl who is real. No pretense, just be herself. It is much easier to relax that way. I can’t stand it when people put up a false front. I would rather just have fun. At least last night was relaxing.

Hung over

Oh boy am I hung over. I went out last night with the guys for a bachelor party and it was wild. Of course, most bachelor parties are and we were no exception. I think we went to about seven different clubs and bars. We had a limo, so that no one had to be a designated driver and we didn’t have to worry about drinking and driving. Now I have to get myself in gear or I will be late for the wedding. Ugh!

Monster truck time

It is that time of year again. The monster truck show is coming to town and I plan on taking my newphews to see it. I bought tickets yesterday on the way home from work, as soon as I heard they had gone on sale. We got amazing seats and I was able to get pit passes as well. The kids are going to go nuts. I got a couple for my brother and his wife as well, in case they want to join us. If they don’t, I will take whoever wants to go.

Party time

So we decided to have a party and make it a seafood extravaganza. Since we got that big Marlin,  we smoked the meat in dad’s smoker. Well, dad did it since he is retired and had the time, but we also are getting oysters and clams for the party as well. It is going to be a little seafood fest for a few family and friends. We will give away some of the meat as it is just too much to keep. I know that everyone is going to have a blast though. After all, everyone loves seafood. Or at least everyone I know does.

Road trip

My buddy Kyle and I are taking a road trip to New Orleans. I know that it is way after Mardi Gras, but a little down time in the French Quarter will be good for us anyway. We also plan on a fishing trip in the Gulf while we are down there. That, in fact, is the main reason for the trip. Deep sea fishing for the win! I plan on bringing back a lot of fish for a big fish fry. Woot!

4th of July

We had a great Fourth of July this year. We decided that we would go to the beach to watch the fireworks and it was a great time for all. The kids were happy to play on the beach and they made some sandcastles that would rival the best ever made. It was fun to watch them at their work.

The fireworks went off at a little after nine and it was a really nice show. The event lasted for about forty-five minutes and had a great finally. After all the fun and excitement we were all tired and ready to get home. I guess that’s the way it should always be.

Playing safely

The building my office is in is very large. We have a lot of people going in and out all the time. We sometimes have as many as two or three hundred people working there. With all these moms and dads coming and going, we sometimes have quite a few children there as well. It seems that every time summer comes around we have kids coming out of our ears. We decided that we needed to add some facilities to care for them while their parents are working.

We found a room where the kids could be supervised and entertained. We also decided to build something like those school playgrounds that you see all around. We had a nice little piece of ground that would be suitable for the task. It was a fun project to work on and I think the results were better than expected. We worked with a company called Rubberecycle that helped us with playground surfacing. They have many products to choose from and know their business well.

They have a special product made just for playground surfaces. It’s really just chopped up used tires but its makes for a nice safe base for the kids to play on. The parents like the fact that it’s safe and that it can made in many colors. Another aspect of the product is that it helps to recycle some of the millions of tires that are disposed of every year. The playground has been a hit with the kids as well as the parents and everyone seems to be happy. That’s the good thing about my job.