Unwanted Visitor!

I was lying on the couch when I heard my son making a ruckus upstairs. It seems that he was trying to corner a mouse in his bedroom. I don’t know how the mouse got in or how long he has been there, but I agreed with my son that we needed to get him out! The mouse got away despite our efforts to catch him and we decided to set some traps for him.

One of the best ways to trap a mouse is by setting the following trap. Take a common trash can and place it in the middle of a room the mouse is known to frequent. Lean a board from the floor up to the can. Place an empty cardboard center from a paper towel roll on the edge of the can. The mice love tunnels and will enter and fall into the can. Works every time! We took the mouse for a ride and let him go in the woods. Problem solved!

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