Playing with bunnies

This morning I let my dog outside and it was really foggy out. I thought for sure that he would stay in the side yard, where he usually stays. He generally “does his thing” and then plays with the cats for awhile, and scratches at the door to be let back in. This morning he was staying out longer than usual. The fog was lifting as the sun was coming out, and even calling his name didn’t make him come back. I didn’t panic.. yet. I went to the back patio doors to see if he had gone out into the big back yard we have. Wouldn’t you know, I didn’t have batteries in my camera. There was my dog, playing with (from what I could count) at least seven rabbits. It seemed like they were doing their own special game of hide and seek and tag. One or two rabbits would take turns chasing the dog, then he would chase them. No fear in the bunnies what so ever. It makes me now wonder just how long this game between he and the rabbits has been going on. It would have made for a wonderful video. I just put batteries on my shopping list.


Fall is my favorite time of year, the kids are in school so I have a bit of free time during the day to keep caught up. The weather is wonderful with warm days and cool nights perfect for sleeping with the window open, and most of all it is the time of year that the leaves turn, the only downfall is that the leaves also fall into my yard and have to be raked up and hauled off. Other than that this is the best season by far. I can wait for the real cold weather I like it like it is now highs in the 60’s and the lows in the 40’s with fall getting the least amount of rain of all the seasons it is a perfect fit.


Almost every house along our street has some damage from the wind and rain last night. It hit here about 5 pm and we did not get our power restored until about 9 last night. We have a couple of small limbs torn down that fell into our yard, but just a few houses down a whole tree came down barely missing the house. I am glad we did not have any drama like that and they are calling for more storms tonight, lets hope they are wrong. We have had a storm filled June and I for one will be very happy to get on further into July and see if the weather will calm down a bit with summer getting here.


Living in the city of Nashville, I do not have a large space for a garden but I still want to have some fresh vegetables available to me. I have planted a couple of tomato plants in pots and some pepper plants in a couple of planter boxes just to have some produce available to me. My tomato plants are blooming and are growing rapidly. Just being able to grow a little garden is a great way to enjoy life and spend some time in the yard that I would not get to do with-out my little garden.

Only 6 Groups of Trick or Treaters Tonight

When I first moved here there were a lot of children in the neighborhood. Every holiday was a big deal to the neighbors. We all decorated our houses and yards with lights and yard ornaments and people used wreaths and yard flags to decorate. Halloween was a big deal with a lot of small groups of kids and parents going house to house collecting candy. I loved seeing the different costumes and happy, expectant faces of the kids as they held out their Halloween bags and buckets for their treats.

I guess most of those kids have grown up and there are not a lot of new families moving into the area. I was a little disappointed to only have my doorbell rung six times with trick or treaters. There were two groups of very young children, with parents and strollers walking down the street. The rest were older kids, and to be honest, one group of teenagers seemed to be a little too old to be going out trick or treating this year. i hope they did it just for fun, maybe their last hurrah, and didn’t cause any mischief for anyone in the neighborhood. The older kids make me a little nervous about causing trouble when it gets late and people stop giving out candy for the night. I hope that the fact this is a school night will send those older kids home early with the rest of the kids and that there is no trouble with vandalism and other tricks tonight.