
Every summer we spend as much time at the lake as we can, fishing, boating and swimming. This year has been no different. The best thing about this year has been taking our dogs out on the boat, they love it and seem to really enjoy going fast on top of the water, they hang their heads over the side and bark with glee. I had never known that a dog would love the water so much. When we pull in a big fish they sniff and bark at the fish like they were responsible for reeling them in it is so very funny. A couple of the dogs even like to get out in the water and paddle around, Dottie and Diva really like it the best I think, they jump in when ever they can. Over all this has been a great summer and I already can not wait for next summer to get here.

Going swimming

A good friend of mine has invited all of us to go swimming at her house. I’ve been cooking some things to take and am looking forward to going. Pat, my friend works a lot of hours and we don’t seem to be able to hook up and hang out as much as we used to. I’ll be great to spend time with her, her kids and her grand kids also. I haven’t seen her newest little grand-daughter and it’ll be nice to hold a baby for a bit. AND, I can give the little one back to her mother when I get enough of my “baby fix”. LOL!

Enjoying the pool and duckie

When it comes to my kids and swimming, I do believe they are part fish. I personally was a spring and high board diver while I was growing up and then into my late teens. At one time I had considered training for the Olympics, but situations change and things happened that I never did get to go to tryouts. My youngest son has the diving gene in him also swims like a pro, but lately he’s smitten with a floating duck I brought for the grand kids.

We taught kids in our family how to swim as a natural part of our summer lives. We were always going to the water of some sort or fashion. Whether a pool, a deep creek or even the big Lake Michigan, we were always in or near the water on hot summer days.

I wish every kid had the chance to learn how to swim at an early age so they would never be afraid to be in or on the water. You have to learn young – before you become afraid of things like that. I think the perfect age is 4 or 5 for most children. Some people even like to take babies in the water and teach them proper breathing techniques. I think that is wonderful – we need more of this in our children’s lives.

Weekend mini vacation

The kids and I are planning on going to Devils lake this weekend. Contrary to the name, the lake doesn’t have grass around much of the lake, and it’s probably the only lake I will actually go swimming in. I have an aversion to seaweed and mucky bottoms, so since this lake has (as far as I’ve noticed) a hard packed sandy bottom.

I think my kids are looking forward to this little mini vacation. It’s going to be nice to get away for a little while, go swimming and just kick back. Usually we rent a small speed boat or a pontoon boat for a day, to go out and meander around the lake, then visit a favorite restaurant that is on the point, which we actually have to dock up to.

So far there has been a unanimous vote that we are leaving early on Friday morning, but I’m thinking that the kids won’t be ready until early afternoon. This generally is always the case. I don’t care, I just want to park myself on the beach and enjoy my time relaxing.

Add pool liners, pool covers to list.

Since having a serious case of spring fever, I got the brilliant idea when the temperature turned 72 degrees, that it was time to take off the pool cover. I have learned a lot of lessons by just removing the cover all by myself. Usually my daughter helps me, since I am so short that,  I can’t fold the cover back the way I like to do it, when I had shorter pools. I knew I should have waited, but the fore-mentioned fever that struck, made me wanting to do things, yesterday!

While trying to remove the pool cover, I noticed there were a few rips in the pool liner. It made me sad, since  swimming pool liners can be really expensive to replace. I don’t like that patch it, concept. To me, it may help in a quick fix. But I’d never half fix something, only to have it turn out to cost more money, that to get something that will last. I learned that 35 years go. Nothing is a for sure thing with a swimming pool, even if you have a pool person to do the work.

I was talking to my buddy Pattie, who also has had pools all her kids lives, as I have. I have always been in the water it seems, from diving Jr. Olympics, to swim events and just relaxing, or playing with the kids. Pattie told me to check out sites online and I know where I am going to get my pool needs now. Unbeatable prices, the people there know what they are talking about, and are there to help,  so it seems, and did I mention great prices? (smiling…) It’s good to have a place to get my pool supplies. All because the spring fever got the better of me, and I needed a pool cover and swimming pool liner! ( Have to give Pattie some snaps for recommending this supply place,  too! )