Valentines Day, no surprise

As sad as it is to say sometimes, my husband is not and never has been a romantic of any kind. Zip, Nada, Ziltch. In other words, we don’t do Valentines Day. I don’t even think he remembers when our anniversary is, since he’s never said anything after all of these years.

All this has caused me not to even try to make any plans or even attempts at trying to go out of my way with cards and such for him. It’s not really out of my way, but I don’t think it would mean anything. So, instead…I still get Valentines and candy and such for the kids, despite they are nearly all grown. Just something a little special.

When they were small, I’d make cookies and decorate them, and get balloons and have party with cake and Valentines. Now they all have plans it seems and so I just make supper for who ever happens to be home, and call it good enough. I might start volunteering at the school for the 1st and 2nd grade classes. Little kids still really like holidays and I think it might be just what I need to pick up my spirits.

Time flys

This summer seems to be flying by really fast, and it seems that with working so many hours, I’ve missed it. I’ve wanted to do so much this summer, but all of July it seems that I was not feeling well at all. I think it was the heat that got to me. It never bothered me before this year. Is this a sign I’m getting old? (Horrors!!) Anyway, it is already August and where did the days go? Hopefully next summer we can at least take a family vacation. Or at least go on a vacation of some sort, and any of the kids that wish to come, can tag along. They are all into their own thing though, so we’ll see what happens. School starts for two of the kids still at home and I’m figuring my oldest son will also take up some college courses. It’ll be nice to have the house to myself for a few hours during the day when I’m not working. Maybe I can get some deep cleaning done around here. It’s nearly impossible with them at home. Ask for help? Yeah right… lol!


Fall is my favorite time of year, the kids are in school so I have a bit of free time during the day to keep caught up. The weather is wonderful with warm days and cool nights perfect for sleeping with the window open, and most of all it is the time of year that the leaves turn, the only downfall is that the leaves also fall into my yard and have to be raked up and hauled off. Other than that this is the best season by far. I can wait for the real cold weather I like it like it is now highs in the 60’s and the lows in the 40’s with fall getting the least amount of rain of all the seasons it is a perfect fit.

Hiring a House Cleaning Service Miami FL.

When my daughter told me that she and her boyfriend were going to rent a house in FL, but that it needed a good cleaning and she was going to hire a House Cleaning Service Miami FL, to first come in and clean the house they want to move into. I think this is a great idea, considering the fact that my youngest daughter used to be quite tidy and neat until she met her boyfriend. Plus with both of them going to school and working they don’t have time to really clean this house before they move into it and if they are to hire a service, at least it is something that they wouldn’t have to worry about doing.

Keeping the house clean on the other hand after they move in, will no doubt be a problem for them. I suggested that they hire a maid service from the same company and that way, they would not have to worry about the cleaning too much. I know both of them are working hard and going to collage also, so there really isn’t much time to actually keep the house clean. A maid to come in once a week, would be totally ideal for them.

In the mean time, just in case…I’m going to box up some new cleaning supplies, a dust pan and items like that, then send it out to my daughter. Who knows? She may use it all one day!

Great Movies this Year for the Holidays

Going to the movie theater is something that I seem to have gotten away from and today I just realized how much I miss it. There is nothing like watching a movie in a big, dark theater with a hundred other people enjoying the action of the big screen with Dolby surround sound. I think it is cool to hear others gasp in surprise or laugh at the funny scenes. It adds to the viewing experience.

This year there are a lot of movies that sound really good scheduled for release in December. I guess they want to get people who are home from college and out of school for the holidays to spend some of their free time and money in the movie theaters. The one that I really want to see is the new James Bond movie, “Skyfall.” And of course I want to see “The Hobbit.”

If we don’t have a lot of bad weather this year I hope to make the trip to town a few times just for fun and watching movies. I won’t risk wrecking the car on snow and ice covered roads, but if the roads are clear I feel a big urge to get out of the house this winter and be around people and having fun. The movies are a great way to get me motivated and if I skip the popcorn and over priced sodas, I can budget for a couple of new release films and maybe invite a girlfriend or neighbor to come along with me.

Early school clothes shopping

Maybe I’m jumping the gun a bit, but I’m going to take my youngest son shopping for some school clothes tomorrow. He likes this one novelty type store that all the kids get a lot of their shirts and jeans from, so instead of ordering online, at least I can take him to the shop/store and make sure clothes fit, instead of sort of guessing like one sometimes has to do when ordering from the internet.

I haven’t gone shopping with just my youngest son in a very long time. It’s going to be nice to spend some alone time with him, since we haven’t had that opportunity to do so lately. He’s always off with his brother or hanging out with his girlfriend. Playing video games with him doesn’t count.

I think we’ll make a day of it, go shopping and out to lunch at his favorite restaurant. If there is anything else he wants to do, or any other stores he’d like to go to, we’ll also do that. I’m looking forward to this. I’m not so sure my son is, but at 15 he is pretending well, for me.


Organization with enclosed cork bulletin boards

My daughter and son wanted to have a place for all their school accomplishments and had been just hanging things on thier bedroom wall, but to me it looked very cluttered and unorganized, so when I have been looking into getting them enclosed cork bulletin boards somewhat like the ones that they have in school, to keep all their medals and achievements organized.

My son didn’t mind the plain bulletin boards, but my daughter preferred something a bit more fancy. I showed her some enclosed fabric bulletin boards and she liked them a lot. They are bigger than what I had really wanted, but then after I thought about it, and looked at all of just the things they have from high school, I think that they are going to work really well for what they want to put in them.

I had at first told them that they both should just put a years worth of special awards, photos, and medals in the enclosed bulletin boards, but then it’s their room and clutter, so it will be up to them to organize the items and  put them in the way they want to. I can always give them the bulletin boards of they decide to “leave the nest” on down the line.

Kids counting the days

My two youngest who are in high school are counting the days until school is finally out for the summer. I’m not. Officially they have four more days, but two are only half days, so to me, they will be out of school too soon. Summer Holidays…Oh Joy.

I don’t mean to sound like a mother that doesn’t want her kids around. That isn’t it. It is the boredom they will claim after they are home for a week. Heck, on weekends they tell me they are bored. What are they going to do for three months?

I would mention jobs, but I don’t see that happening. Of course, I’m not going to be a bank for them either, so it will either be work for it, or go without, as far as I’m concerned. That would cure boredom and also put some money in their pocket. 🙂

Picking out Graduation Announcements

With my youngest daughter’s graduation around coming on fast, (we have three more weeks) it’s time to address her graduation announcements. It seems like yesterday that I was sending her off to school for her first day, on the bus. I even remember what she wore that day. I get a bit “mom type” sentimental when it comes to things like preparing her now for graduation from high school, and soon she will be going off to collage. I’m going to really miss her a great deal when she leaves for school.

My daughter doesn’t want a big graduation party, which actually doesn’t surprise me much, since she never has liked a lot of pomp and circumstance, as it is. She’s is a social person, but on the same note, she doesn’t like a lot of fuss being made. We have decided to have a small get together with the family and a few close friends that she wanted to invite. I personally wish she’d like a big party, since graduation is a awesome accomplishment and also a step toward even bigger and better things in a person’s life.

The announcements we ordered are so personalized and fitting for my daughter that when her graduation photo is put inside, it is like we actually chose the announcements according to her various outfits worn in her pictures. Which actually we didn’t, yet they came out perfectly. My daughter is happy with them, the price was right and I’m happy about that. It will help with money matters, since we also plan on giving her the gift of money and the title to a truck she has wanted for a long time. It won’t surprise me if she finds a way to attach her announcement to her dashboard. This is saying something about how well they turned out.





Flu season again

Every one in the family has a cold, cough or strep throat. It seems it’s going around all over. I talked to one of my son’s teachers last night and she told me her whole family had it and that there were quite a few kids out of school last week and this week due to it.

I have to admit, that I honesty can not wait until warm weather comes. I think that it will make a lot of people feel better, and even if they aren’t up to par, health wise it might make a difference in at least attitude. I know it sure would for me. I find myself getting kind of snippy about little things, since I have had a sore throat and a cold for what seems like weeks.

My daughter and son have colds and coughs and it’s all kind of making us feel sluggish and tired and cranky. Hurry up, warm weather!! It will be a joy to be able to go outside in the fresh air without getting chilled to the bone.