Valentines Day, no surprise

As sad as it is to say sometimes, my husband is not and never has been a romantic of any kind. Zip, Nada, Ziltch. In other words, we don’t do Valentines Day. I don’t even think he remembers when our anniversary is, since he’s never said anything after all of these years.

All this has caused me not to even try to make any plans or even attempts at trying to go out of my way with cards and such for him. It’s not really out of my way, but I don’t think it would mean anything. So, instead…I still get Valentines and candy and such for the kids, despite they are nearly all grown. Just something a little special.

When they were small, I’d make cookies and decorate them, and get balloons and have party with cake and Valentines. Now they all have plans it seems and so I just make supper for who ever happens to be home, and call it good enough. I might start volunteering at the school for the 1st and 2nd grade classes. Little kids still really like holidays and I think it might be just what I need to pick up my spirits.

Scary Times in Sports

When my brother was in high school, he was adamant that he wanted to join the football team. My parents were very worried about that. (Keep in mind, this was back in the early 1970’s.) They had heard in recent years how sometimes an athelete that seems to be in perfect health sometimes suffers a massive cardiac arrest in the middle of the field, and dies before ever making it to the hospital! Sure, the schools insisted on each of the kids getting a medical clearance before playing, but at that point in time, they did not even do any kind of diagnostic testing to make sure that the kids did not have any weird heart conditions that had been overlooked by previous physicals.

Times certainly have changed since then! There are entire businesses, such as Wimbledon Heath Partners, that are dedicated to sports medicine. Not just how to fix injuries once they happen, but to run tests to make sure that weird genetic conditions don’t raise their ugly heads in the middle of practice, or a competition. Sports medicine has come a very long way. I am interested to keep seeing whatever happens in the near future regarding American football and concussions. I know that new helmets have been designed, but I have a feeling that American football might just start suffer from this very serious hazard. I think that fewer parents will be giving permission for their kids to play it in school, and that will eventually lead to fewer professionals down the road.

As for my brother, well, he did join the football team, but he came down with mono during the school year, and ended up benched for most of the football season. That broke his heart, but I think that my parents were secretly relieved that he did not spend a lot of time on the field!

Getting ready for goblins

With tomorrow being Trick or Treating in our town and I’ve been decorating the front yard and porch, hoping the weather is good and the predicted rain or even snow holds off for the kids that come trick or treating. I’m going into town to buy candy and get some odds and ends that I need. I love Halloween. I won’t be dressing this year though. First time in I don’t know how long. I have a pinched nerve in my neck and to be honest, since I’ve lost quite a bit of weight and am down to about 109 lbs, my costumes would all need taken in a size. I don’t have the time to do this. The kids are all ready though and will look great!

Time flys

This summer seems to be flying by really fast, and it seems that with working so many hours, I’ve missed it. I’ve wanted to do so much this summer, but all of July it seems that I was not feeling well at all. I think it was the heat that got to me. It never bothered me before this year. Is this a sign I’m getting old? (Horrors!!) Anyway, it is already August and where did the days go? Hopefully next summer we can at least take a family vacation. Or at least go on a vacation of some sort, and any of the kids that wish to come, can tag along. They are all into their own thing though, so we’ll see what happens. School starts for two of the kids still at home and I’m figuring my oldest son will also take up some college courses. It’ll be nice to have the house to myself for a few hours during the day when I’m not working. Maybe I can get some deep cleaning done around here. It’s nearly impossible with them at home. Ask for help? Yeah right… lol!

Restful Father’s Day

Father's Day (free clip art)
Father’s Day (free clip art)

My father loved to nap on the sofa whenever he got the chance. That made it a challenge to our large family, to let the house be quiet enough for him to sleep – we had a lot of very active and loud kids! We always wished he would nap in his bedroom, and I never understood why he did not do that.

On Father’s Day you could usually find him sleeping on the sofa in the afternoon. When he’d wake up, though, he would take us out to eat a nice dinner at a family steakhouse!

A guitar with three necks

I was watching a YouTube video a few minutes ago featuring a performance on a guitar that has three necks. The musician playing the guitar is a man named steve vai. I hate to admit that I have fallen “behind the times” when it comes to recognizing the names of the current names of younger musicians and bands – I guess that is the price you pay when you are working full time, (with overtime) taking college courses at night, and raising kids, too! Anyway, I was surprised to see a guitar with three necks! The musician sure seemed talented! I had to wonder if he ever watched himself on video after he plays – he was making some really funny facial expressions that made me laugh! I wonder if he does that on purpose.

Thinking about my kitchen

Since I’ve been cleaning out my cupboards, and throwing stuff away, I’ve decided to do some home improvement on the cupboard and also get more organized.

When I open two of my baking and cooking supply cupboards, they are a mess. Things fall out and in general, the kids who are now into cooking and baking, never put things back where they belong.

So.. this coming week, they all are going to be in for quite a surprise and also are going to learn that everything has its place.

Organizing the Spice Cupboard

This morning while I was looking for some cinnamon, I decided that I was in dire need of some kitchen spice racks. I opened the cupboard and I had an avalanche of spices fall out of it. My kids are all teenagers, or out of their teens now, and they have started to try their hand at cooking. Needless to say, they don’t put my spices back in the cupboard the way I like to have them, and since I have literally nearly every spice one can imagine, when they are finished cooking I can’t find what I’m looking for.

I have one wall in my kitchen, that I think a big wall spice rack would look great on and the spices would be organized plus close at hand for everyone to use. I like the idea of the spices to be displayed so we wouldn’t have to dig through the cupboard to find what we are looking for. I’m thinking about getting one for my baking spices, and then my cooking spices. Perhaps even one that would hold the various oils I use when I make candy.

My mom has some really nice looking spice racks that my sister got her for her birthday, and since she doesn’t have a whole lot of cupboard space, she has hung hers on the wall where everything is handy for her. I’m looking forward to getting rid of the clutter and have my spices organized.


Fall is my favorite time of year, the kids are in school so I have a bit of free time during the day to keep caught up. The weather is wonderful with warm days and cool nights perfect for sleeping with the window open, and most of all it is the time of year that the leaves turn, the only downfall is that the leaves also fall into my yard and have to be raked up and hauled off. Other than that this is the best season by far. I can wait for the real cold weather I like it like it is now highs in the 60’s and the lows in the 40’s with fall getting the least amount of rain of all the seasons it is a perfect fit.

Going swimming

A good friend of mine has invited all of us to go swimming at her house. I’ve been cooking some things to take and am looking forward to going. Pat, my friend works a lot of hours and we don’t seem to be able to hook up and hang out as much as we used to. I’ll be great to spend time with her, her kids and her grand kids also. I haven’t seen her newest little grand-daughter and it’ll be nice to hold a baby for a bit. AND, I can give the little one back to her mother when I get enough of my “baby fix”. LOL!