Checking out Reality in Miami

My daughter and her boyfriend as I have blogged about is looking for a home of their own instead of living with the boyfriend’s family. they decided to check out a real estate agency’s in the Miami area. LuisInglesias Real Estate Miami is one of the agency’s that they are looking into. When my daughter called, she sounded so well informed about the places they will be looking at, and I think to myself that I am seeing a side of my daughter that I have never seen before. She has been well informed and I know she is determined to find exactly the right place for the two of them to live.

When she called, she told me that she and her boyfriend were quite informed of the Real Estate Agency, which made me feel ever so much better, and it’s showing the business side of her, that I actually have not ever heard of seen before. My daughter is bound and determined to get a place and she trusts that the agency they have picked will help with that.

I can’t wait to see the photos of places that they are checking into. Also, if one trusts the professionals it helps a great deal in finding just the right place to call home at a price they can afford.

Getting home repair grants

Everyone could use help with home repair grants and it’s relatively easy to find them if you look in the right place. A friend of mine just moved to New Jersey and bought one of those kinds of homes that is in need of some big time TLC. When she called me the first night she stayed in her new home, she had a slew of things on a list that needed to be done before she could even begin to move fully, let alone get the house prepared for the winter months.

After doing some asking around, looking on the internet and then talking to the people in the neighborhood, she found that there is assistance with home repairs there and she is going to indeed find out more about this, so she can do the big repairs that have to be definitely done before winter hits. My friend is working a steady job, but it took quite a bit of her savings to not only buy the house, but the move there was  pricey also.

I asked her if she could get insulation assistance in NJ, not only warmth for the winter, but also it helps the house stay cooler in the summer as well. I found that my friend, Sandy was right on the ball so to speak, about getting the information and the help she will need with improvements. I’m very happy for her and can’t wait to visit her in her new house, once she is ready to have guest.


Shopping for residential address plaques

Since my daughter moved into a new home, I’ve been looking at residential address plaques that I think she may like since there isn’t one on her house. It’s hard to tell which house is hers and even her mail man has been messing up when delivering the mail. It’s been bothering her since she had to change her address and important mail has ended back at the post office for her to have to go into town and get. To me, this is basically the mail carrier’s fault, but people do look for a name and address when trying to find the right house.

Personalized address plaques are a nice gift. It has both the name and address on the plaque and it gives it sort of a homey touch, I think. I haven’t asked my daughter which kind she wants though, so I’m holding off on buying one. I don’t know if she and her husband want their last name on the plaque for privacy reasons. Which us understandable to me.

I personally like the bronze address plaques and think that one would look really nice on my daughter’s house. There are so many various plaques to choose from, I might just wait and let my daughter look at them and choose the one she wants. That way, since it’s her choice, I’ll know I got her exactly what she wants.


Missed auction

Of all the auctions to miss, it was the items for auction from the home my daughter and her family will be moving into tomorrow. Things came up and I had to do some important errands, thinking I could at least make it to the tail end of the sale, but didn’t.

I went for no doubt the last time to my daughter’s “old” house, tonight and she had told me that she wished she had known what I wanted, and she would have placed bids for me, but then she also knows that I will bid on boxes of what seem like junk and come up with a treasure, I’ve no doubt wanted for a long time. I’m very fortunate like that. I consider auctions an art.

I’m going to the new home tomorrow to wander through and tonight I got joy out of seeing my daughter so excited and happy. She’s so excited to show everything to me, and I’m excited to see it all. She deserves this and so do her kids.