A wonderful shopping trip

Usually I don’t say shopping is a wonderful experience, but today it was. I picked my grand daughter up from school, and we went into town shopping. First we went to the market, to pick up things that I didn’t pick up when I went grocery shopping. Then we went to a store where I knew there were garden supplies now on display. It was great how my grand daughter had helped me in the market, hanging onto the list, weighing onions and peppers, and even finding sales on what I needed that was on the list. That kid is a great shopper! I told her that I had a surprise for her, since she had helped me so much.

Once at the farm supply and feed store, I took her to the garden section. She looked like she was in heaven. I let her pick out ten seed packets that she wanted in her garden and she surprised me by picking out vegetables, all the while telling me that most kids her age don’t eat “veggies” and they should. She wanted to grow them, so she knew she would have them when she wanted them. Kid after my own heart.

Since she was so responsible about the veggie decision, I told her she just HAD to pick out some other seeds she would like to plant. She picked out ten seed packets of herbs like chives…which she absolutely loves and has since she first got teeth, despite of her breath… and then mints so she could make her own tea. Also eatable flowers. She made me so proud of her choices. Our next shopping trip is for a garden Angel. She is reading a book that is about a young girl searching for her Angel. Since we both believe in Angels, I’m going to surprise her and we’ll go pick one out that is just for her. I love that child so much.