April Fools day

April Fools Day or, All Fools Day, is supposed to be (according to some ) the most light- hearted day of the year. To me, it’s kind of scary. In my years, I have had some pretty harmful or frightening April Fools jokes/pranks pulled on me. I know that the family and friends who have done this in the past, did not mean for them to be terrible to me, but they were, none the less.

I can be light-hearted like the next person, but my problem is, I used to believe people when they tell me things sometimes. Especially when they say things with a very straight face and seem to be honest and sincere. I have adopted the, “Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear” attitude. So, have a fun filled and day, people.

Myself, I’m going to go out in the gardens where I’m “safe.”  Hopefully some of my early plants and the weather won’t play any pranks on me!!

Easter and garden supplies out

I went shopping yesterday and could not believe it!! Easter items are out already. To me, this is getting a bit out of hand. I asked the store clerk how long they had been out, since it looked like the shelves were pretty much picked over and I hadn’t gone to that store in awhile. He told me they had stocked Easter things right after Valentines Day. (SMH)

The great thing though, is that the garden supply section is now nearly fully stocked. Looks like I’m going to get an even bigger jump on shopping this year for my garden. I’m at least excited about that!

Gifts and Calls for Mother’s Day

So far this morning, I have gotten at least ten phone calls from “kids” and family wishing me a Happy Mother’s Day. Even some young people who have grown up with my kids, have called! It’s awesome that they would still after all these years, consider me a sort of “extra” mom.

My sons bought me a beautiful rose bush that I fully intend on babying, since in the past, I’ve not had much luck with rose bushes. My youngest daughter called and sang me a song over the telephone that she had written just for me and this day! My oldest daughter is taking me out to lunch this coming week, and then we’re going shopping also!

I’m staying at my moms house, so the kids all are also wishing her mother’s day wishes also. This afternoon I plan on taking her shopping for some summer outfits and then we’re going out to lunch before my brother and sisters arrive at her house with gifts for her. I’m looking forward to spending time with the family and also.

To all my readers who are Mom’s, I wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day! Pamper yourself or let others pamper you. Ya’ll deserve it!

Fall is in the air

The leaves haven’t started to turn yet, but the smell of fall is indeed in the air. There is a crisp feeling outside that this season brings, and at night it’s been getting down right chilly. No frost yet, but it’s to come sooner than normal, I have a feeling.

Though I love colors of fall, I don’t like the fact that it means summer is over and that winter is just around the corner. It seems like we didn’t have much of a summer, despite of the drought.

We’ve been doing some home improvement around the house and outside in the yards. There were some walkways that needed tending to, as the stone was starting to get loose in places, so I hauled in some extra that I had saved, and made it fit where the loose ones were. I should say they aren’t really stone like most would think. These are actually flat rocks that the walkway is made of, and I’m glad I had the foresight to keep some back for just the purpose I needed them for.

All of the storm windows are now up and the glass windows are washed, the covered with padding and put away safely. Gutters will continue to be cleaned as the leaves come down and nearly all of my flower beds have been put to sleep for the winter. It sort of makes me sad, but it is what it is.

There of course is a lot more to do in order to make the house winterized and toasty for the winter, but I’m getting to it slowly but surely. Winter is not a good season for me, since I really hate snow and the cold, but if I have to live where we do indeed have lots and lots of snow and the temps get down below zero, I at least want a home that is warm and the next step is to start my winter survival shopping.


Already August

I can’t believe it is August 1 already. Summer has flown by it seems. It’s still hot as blue blazes outside, and my gardens are all dead and have been since we are in the middle of a drought, but the fact that summer is nearly over just kind of amazes me in one way, and also makes me a bit sad.

My youngest son will soon be back in school…the battle of getting him up in the morning will begin. He is the roughest one to wake up and always has been.

Time for getting school clothes and supplies and also time for getting the house at least semi ready for winter. With the weather the way it has been all summer, it’s hard telling what the winter will bring.

Using battery operated lights

Lately I have been seeing a lot of battery operated lights that look exactly like candles, and I think it’s a great idea. In fact, I’ve been thinking about putting these lights along the walkways in my gardens. I really like the look of them, and the great thing is, they don’t melt! I’ve done some research and they last a long time on a little battery and are so handy to have. Not only that, they really are pretty and a great addition to ambiance in the garden or anywhere else a person would like to use them instead of a real candle. If there is a breeze blowing outside, they don’t go out, which is another plus.

I’ve always loved candles, but the average tea light burns for only approximately four hours, at the most. You don’t have that problem with the LED tea lights. It seems like they last for a very long time. The great thing is that you don’t have to worry about fire, but they actually look just like the wax tea lights and give even a bit more light. Generally I end up always checking the tea lights I burn for fear of them getting too hot in the holders. These LED lights don’t get hot and they are much less dangerous than a candle fire burning.

There are a wide variety of battery operated lights to choose from, and some look like candles that are melted, which brings on an almost real candle appearance without the worries of candle wax getting all over the place. I’ve accidentally melted candle wax onto some pieces of furniture and I was never able to get off completely. I’ve also spilled candle wax on the carpet before and it is nearly impossible to get out. All told, I really want to get some of these lights. They would give me peace of mind, without giving up the look of a real candle.



Chaining rain with rain chains

Never having heard of rain chains except for in something I had read while leafing through a garden magazine a while ago, I decided I’d research them and find out what they were and what they were used for. This was a few years ago, and now I love the ones I have and I indeed want to get more of them, and also more accessories that go with them.

A rain chain is a unique way of catching rain water and sort of recycling it. That is the best way I can describe them. There are really pretty designs and add a great deal of flair and also an old world sort of decoration in the gardens and on porches, decks and sitting areas. Anywhere actually, one would like to catch rain water.

These items chain rain and then the water goes down into a basin or even into a plant to save the water or to water a plant that needs it. I have quite a few now, and so many people have commented on them, that every now and then I will buy a nice rain chain and basin to give as a gift to someone who has come over and was genuinely interested in them. They do make great and also handy gifts. I love to shop for them.


Plans changed with saleing

It’s nearly midnight and I’m thinking that today’s plans were not what had been planned in the first place. I love it when there are NO plans. The kids and I did hit some garage sales, but then we passed a place to eat. Once that was finished, we decided to go real shopping, as they call it.

We found some great bargains on summer things. I actually thought that prices would be low after the holidays, but I was pleasantly surprised at the great sales we hit.

Now everyone is in their bedroom waiting until tomorrow to figure out plans and what they all want to do without me tagging around. Fine by me. I need to play in the gardens and call some blogging buddy about her bale gardening. It would be good to meet up with her again and we could do a quick see what we can see and find trip. Maybe some flea markets or antique shops.

Thunder storms and gardens

This morning I woke up to one of the loudest storms I’ve heard in a very long time. It was about 5:00 am when it started and actually one long crack of thunder and the lightening flash, seems to  have hit right by my bedroom window. Needless to say, it scared the heck out of me. (I actually jumped out of bed in one bound, that didn’t make my neck and back feel very good) The storm lasted for about 45 min. The light show was really awesome once the initial wake up shock was over.

After the storm the sun came out and so did a lot of my flowers in my garden that weren’t blooming last night. It is pretty awesome to see. I can’t wait to get into the new planting of more perennials and annuals.

After it being so chilly and not having more than a couple really nice days in the last three weeks, it felt so good to walk outside at nearly 5:50 pm and not be cold. It smells so nice outside. Cut grass from yesterday, ground that has been dug up and burnt straw from last years bale gardening. Going barefoot was the absolute best feeling. I’m really looking forward to summer!


Tile cleaning for round rock

When my friend called me to tell me all of the things she was doing to her house, including tile cleaning round rock, (on that one, I’ll admit she stumped me) I had no idea what round rock was. This coming from a person who is a big rock collector. When I say big, I mean big in size of rocks. I collect small rocks and stones also, but I actually had no idea what my friend Amy was talking about.

Amy being from Texas and being a true Texan, tends to use words and sentences, or words for objects, that I (being from the North) have not a clue what she means. When she said she had hired a company who is experienced in tile cleaning round rock, I thought she meant the round rocks that line her driveway. I shake my head on this one, simply because I don’t know what her house looks like, since she just moved in and I’ve not visited, yet. I know she had hired various businesses who specialize in what she want’s done and needs help with, when it comes to the house, so it sometimes confuses my about that my friend is doing next.

After a lengthy phone call, from the Austin area, I found out about tile cleaning round rock, which led to garden talk, of course, since she laughed about what I had thought she was doing. With the money she saved, and help with the matters she needs done to the house, it sounds like I’m going to have to take a trip to Texas!