Thanksgiving Shopping and A New Pantry

I’m a firm believer in lists. While going through my pantry, and listing what I have and what items I need to buy for Thanksgiving dinner as well as to basically stock up on, I realized that the pantry that I have is not roomy enough. I need more space. Yes indeed, I feel another project coming on. I haven’t decided yet as to why it is that I always have a mega need to do home improvements at the most inconvenient times. With the holidays coming and I’ll be in the kitchen for a good ten days, my mind is on the pantry project, I would indeed call this an inconvenient time.

Shopping today (while my mind was/is still on the pantry project) did not go as well as I thought it would. Normally I use coupons, but not to the extent a lot of my friends do. Today I forgot my coupons. Fail #1. While looking for 22 to 24 pound turkey who I just know will catch my fancy to the point I want to take him home, will show himself, was shy today. Fail #2. I did however get a good deal on giblets, necks and backs. Also some pretty good prices on spices I needed.

I’ve got a couple more days to power shop if I can get the building of a new pantry off my mind until after the Holiday season, I’ll be just fine and dandy!



Lists and coupons

Thinking I’ll make my life a bit simpler, I’m getting a jump on Saturday grocery shopping. I’ve got my list partially made up, and coupons cut…thanks to my daughter. I even feel somewhat organized.

I’ve been going through the freezer and the pantries, and throwing out things and at the same time, organizing…with the help of my youngest son, foodstuff. Also we all have been looking at the two refrigerators to see what we are running out of, then writing it down on the list.

Saying that I feel like Suzie Homemaker is really stretching it, but I am feeling a bit more organized. Now, if I don’t forget my list and coupons when I go to the stores I need to go to, it’ll really be an accomplishment.


Great savings at Sears with coupons

I’ve shopped at Sears for as long as I can remember and now I wish I would have paid attention to the fact that Sears offers lots of coupons and promo codes to use while shopping. I actually am really bad about taking my coupons into stores. I forget them, nearly every time. Usually I don’t remember, until the cashier asks me if I have any coupons. Getting them from Sears and also the promo codes though, is an extra plus shopping at Sears.

Some of my fondest memories growing up, were my Mom and my Grandparents,  getting the Sears catalog. We kids could not wait to look through what we called, our  “Wish Book.” Because we spent a lot of time at Papa and Nana’s house, we had the advantage of both worlds. A wonderful childhood at home, and also there with them at our second home, as I always thought of it as. My mom would do a lot of Christmas shopping out of the Sears catalog. I also remember the Mother, Daughter dresses they used to carry. It was something special when she would get us matching dresses.

For years, there was a Sears in the city near here, but it seems that the city is slowly loosing a lot of the stores, since the factories are all closing, and now the Sears is going out of business in the mall. I’m really sad about it. I get everything from my tools to my eyeglasses there, and it’s not going to be the same with out being able to shop there when I want to. I know a whole lot of people this will effect also. My oldest daughter’s very first job was in the shoe department at Sears. She learned a lot about the other various departments also, but the main thing she learned was independence and responsibility. I was so proud of her when she came home and told me she had gotten a job there. She made very good friends, who are going to be out of a job as soon as the doors close for the last time.

A lot of guys I know buy their tools there because of the great deals and the fact they are durable and a very popular brand. It will effect them. Having to drive a great distance now, is going to be expensive, with the gas prices the way they are. I am however, very glad that Sears offers lots of coupons and promo codes. It will make the drive worth it. I’m going to have to pass this info on to more of my friends!


The dreaded grocery store

Having to make another trip to the grocery store is something I have to do today that I really dread. Everything has gotten so expensive, that I find myself looking in all my cookbooks for ideas of meals to make that are great, nutritious but the ingredients are inexpensive.

My mom did give me a big envelope of coupons that I’m going to go through. They may help. The problem with using the coupons, is that most of them are for things I don’t normally use. Or, I forget the ones I can, which is a major flaw of mine. I also tend to forget my lists unless someone in the family reminds me.

Today I’ve decided to go in armed though. I think when I went to the market on Sunday, I got flustered because the store was super crowded, a lot of the items that were on sale had not been restocked and I didn’t want to try and find a person to help me go in to where ever they go and get what I wanted. That is, IF I could have found someone to help. In that store it’s nearly impossible. I just wanted to get the heck out of there.