Thinking about my kitchen

Since I’ve been cleaning out my cupboards, and throwing stuff away, I’ve decided to do some home improvement on the cupboard and also get more organized.

When I open two of my baking and cooking supply cupboards, they are a mess. Things fall out and in general, the kids who are now into cooking and baking, never put things back where they belong.

So.. this coming week, they all are going to be in for quite a surprise and also are going to learn that everything has its place.

Grills, open fire and camping

A lot of people are really into grilling. I find it a pain in the butt to do, despite of the grill outfits now a days, look like one brought their whole kitchen out into the yard. Maybe toting along part of the dining room too. I guess ya’ll can tell that I’m not one of the kind of people who like to grill. I am much more comfortable using a oven rack over an open fire. I think this stems from the years as kids and then young adults, camping trips. Now, I prefer to camp  in comfort.  I’ll come to semi real tent like camping, is a pop up camper that is decked out.

I do however, know how to cook on the open fire. I lug my cast iron pots, pans and skillets along with me, and also an old antique coffee pot, along with food that feeds an army in a few pots. I love cooking outside. I just don’t like to grill.

New kitchen spice racks

Starting to make plans for organization in my kitchen and also the cupboards, I’ve been seriously thinking about getting all new kitchen spice racks. I love them, and they make it so much easier to find what I am looking for. I’ve had a problem with the kids just using a spice or packet of what they need, and not putting it back in it’s proper place. It actually gets on my nerves a great deal. They are old enough for organization and to take responsibility for the things that I buy and they use.

Since I’m going to remodel the kitchen with new cupboards, something I’m looking forward to very much, I’ve decided that perhaps I am going to get a big wall spice rack. I have plenty of room on the walls, but not really enough cupboard space.

These would be ideal. The spices would be right in reach and easy to put back to their proper place. I actually think it will look really nice also. I usually cut and hang my herbs and flowers up to dry from the kitchen ceiling, and it will look sort of old style. I like that look. A country kitchen from long ago. The spice racks to me are a great touch.