Additions to the family again

We now have two more furry additions to the family. My daughter’s cat had kittens sometime ago and despite having plenty or room at her house, her husband told her she had to find the kittens homes since they already have four dogs and three cats. So, she got me in a good moment and begged me to take two of the semi grown kittens that she hadn’t found a home for.

I have a preference and only have black cats. Both of the kittens she wanted me to take are black and since she did get me in sucker mood, I agreed that I would take them as long as she bought the cat food for them. She agreed to it right away and so now will be bringing the kitten/cats over tomorrow.

I figure since they are already used to being outside, they can be outside cats here. My daughter told me that they are already hunting mice and bringing them to her as little presents, so with the mill just down the road a bit at least two more cats will keep the mouse population down. She hasn’t named the two of them yet since she didn’t want to get attached and so it might be fun getting to know their personalities and naming them accordingly.

Keeping the cats out of the gardens

I have a problem keeping the cats out of my gardens and it’s starting to get super irritating, not to mention ticking me off to no end. When the kittens we have (that were drop offs) are a little bit bigger, I don’t like to do this, but I’m taking them to the humane society. I have to. Everyone drops off unwanted cats and kittens at my house and there is not a thing I can do about it since they are dropped off in the night.

I am thinking about using chicken wire and laying it over the spaces and beds that I have seeded, and then anchor it down, until I can fix the cat problem. They are using my gardens for a giant litter box, and since I don’t have cats in the house that have to have a litter box, I sure as heck am not going to have them outside ruining my gardens.

People who abandon animals, should be fined or in my opinion be arrested, but without catching them in the act there is nothing to be done. It’s so sad.