Wanting to be independent

Title is exactly what my dear friend Lindsay and I are going though with our daughters. They will be leaving very early in the morning. My daughter’s flight is at 6:00 am, but it’s a two hour drive to the airport. Lindsay’s daughter’s flight is about the same time and it takes her two hours to get to the airport if not a bit longer.

Our daughters want to be independent yet we get two or more calls a day. I cherish those calls as it means that she misses me and misses being home. But going so darn far away really messes me up. Almost every blogging pal or “real life” friends  know that I want my kids close. I don’t consider this being over protective. I think one day that we are going to have to depend on  family and close friends sticking together because we will need to .

I wish both of our young ladies a dream come true, a prosperous life to come and  also the knowledge they will always have a home to come home to.

Shepard’s pie

Shepard’s pie comes in so many variations that I couldn’t be able to count them. My daughters boy friend who is a guest here until Saturday, wanted to contribute to one of our evening meals. I told him to go for it, and my husband took him and our daughter on their first “grocery trip” together. When they got home, they had gotten the ingredients Keg (we will call him) needed to make his take on the Shepard’s pie.

I have to admit that I tried not to hover, but I absolutely hate to have someone messing around in my kitchen. I even have a problem with my kids and husband cooking something in my kitchen. I mean, it was nice the young man wanted to contribute and show off his cooking abilities, but it still felt odd for me. Instead of hovering, I gave him a bag of potatoes, which I had told him I already had, then left the room. One other truth be known, I was sort of hoping my daughter would learn a few tips on preparing and cooking a new dish. She can bake like hell wouldn’t have it, but to say she is handy in the kitchen, would be a lie.

Keg’s mean tuned out wonderful. Yes, I was surprised. My two son’s and grandson loved it, V loved it, and I liked it. V did learn how to mash potatoes, somewhat. And bless Keg’s heart…he doesn’t measure, and cooks similar to the way I do. I don’t measure and it’s all basically taste test. I’m going to send the recipe to my blogging buddy Lindsay. She is starting to collect recipes for her blog. Her blog  is comprised of a little of everything. She knows my family, as she has kids the same age as I do, which is why we hit it off so well, so it’s going to be a sort of  ” Family and extended Family Cookbook ,”  which will fit right into her blog, since she has many hobbies and life stuff happening… but that is all I’m going to tell you about her surprises. 😉

Router cords and computer stuff

While I’m blogging and also working on my computer, my son needed to run a long ethernet cord from my office to his bedroom, because he needs internet access to activate Windows 7. In other words…he doesn’t have a long enough cord to reach from the office router to the bedroom, so he is using two routers all together to connect the computer in his room to the internet.

Actually that sounded pretty good for a person who is totally techno challenged, didn’t it? LOL! Okay, my son told me what he was doing, since there are now cords looped all over my computer desk and the other desk I have in the room, as well as an antique barrel that I use as a plant stand, then across the floor, out the door, into the kitchen and into is bedroom. Say that all in one breath!

While I was writing a different blog post, I was into my zone and didn’t notice anything he was doing until I finished and got up to get a cup of tea. I tripped over a cord he was laying out. My son the computer whiz, actually can catch a person really well. All the time apologizing, explaining and smiling since he had found a way to do what he had to do and also caught me from falling on my face. My fault…he had been telling me what he was doing and I actually didn’t care at the moment, since I was in writing mode. He helps me all the time with my computers and the upkeep…I don’t care if cords are all over for a little while. Maybe he’ll find a way to put Windows whatever on my old faithful!