Dream Living and Golf at Verno Beach

I spent some time with my favorite aunt last weekend and we were talking about her retiring and finding a nice home or villa in Florida. She is an avid golfer and mentioned Golf Verno Beach and that she would love to check out the clubs, the community and also the perks one would have living there. She is all about quiet class and after looking at the site she showed me, I do believe it would be perfect for her and her needs. There are times that I stay with her and help with her various needs and I’m a beach person, so this also would be a choice location to fulfill my needs also.

There are all kinds of various things to make one perfectly content living there and also being a member of a gated community it would mean safety for the most part and a good place for my aunt to live. She is up there in age, but spry from all the activities she does and she doesn’t show or act her real age. She also enjoys the fine things and service she is accustom to, as she worked hard to get to the point where she doesn’t really have to worry about funds for such a great place. We will be going to look at various Real Estate properties there.

My aunt is planning on going down to Florida and do some shopping around for a home or at least a winter place she can live in, since the cold weather where she lives ruins her playing golf when she gets that urge!

Decisions for Supper

When ever I ask the family what they would like for supper, they answer me with “I don’t care” and “I don’t know.” Now, to me this is not helpful. I was checking my messages on FB and saw a post that said just about the same thing I have been thinking for years… Who has a recipe for I Don’t Know, and I Don’t Care??? It must be some elusive recipe that no one wants to share.

I do believe that one day, I’m going to figure out something to serve as I Don’t Care and I Don’t Know, and I’ll gladly give that recipe to anyone who doesn’t  have this recipe and needs it!

Social Media Site Fanatic

I’ve been using Facebook for a long time and it helps to keep track of the great folks I’ve met online and also to socialize with family members who I rarely get to see, as we are scattered all over the United States and Europe. I do believe however, that I created a FB fanatic when I taught my sister how to use the site. I had to also walk her though how to use her brand new little lap top, and I don’t think she has been off it since she got it and I helped her set it up. Kicker is, I only know the basics but it was enough for her to start hitting the various social media sites and loving them. Now I have to start thinking about things we can do together so she will not let the computer consume so much of her time. I’m seriously thinking that it’s time to take a road cruise and see where it takes us, like we used to do.

Yep, I’m going to be working on this since my dear sister needs to get a non computerized life! LOL!







The gift of a Wedding DJ in Miami FL

My favorite niece is getting married at the end of summer and my oldest daughter who is very close to her cousin and I wanted to give a special wedding gift to the couple. We’ve been checking out Wedding DJ Miami FL and seem to have come up with the perfect gift. Both my niece and her soon to be husband are really into music of all kinds and since they were worried about what they would do for entertainment, since they are on a tight budget, my daughter and I wanted to help out any way we could. This seems like a special and logical gift for them.

After we looked at various sites and one we came across had the best services we had seen up to date, which included DJ Wedding Reception Packages. I liked that idea. We can put the music into the hands of the DJ and not worry about all the planning and the headache of making sure everything went smoothly. With the package, the DJ will put it all together according to what kind of music the couple want to have playing at the reception. Also lighting and the other extras that make a reception special would be included in the package. Can’t go wrong with that!

I think that the gift of music is something that I would like, and my daughter agreed that she would have liked the options a DJ can work with. I have a feeling that we are going to save a lot of time, money and also stress by hiring a professional that knows what they are doing.  There are a whole lot of options to choose from with these packages, and now all we have to decide which ones we know the couple would like!

Earth day clean up

Today my grand daughter’s girl scout group and the parents and grand parents were invited to help clean up a short road near the school.  There were other groups from the school who also were assigned roads to clean up…at least the debris on the sides of the road.

I couldn’t make it, as I have just gotten out of the hospital and am not supposed to do much of anything for the next week. Since I had thought I could go along, I had packed snacks in little recyclable bags to give the girls and my daughter picked them up to take along. They all looked so cute and ready to do their part to keep the earth clean.  I’m so proud my grand daughter is involved in caring groups like this.

Entry hall revamp

After some time, I’ve decided that I would like to make the front entry hall more useful than what it is now. Since I’m planing on getting new carpet in the living room, I want folks to take off their shoes when they come over,  or come home, especially the guys in my family who are slackers when it comes to removing their shoes and also hanging up coats.

I’ve been looking at a lot of different DIY sites for ideas on more storage room, and also ideas for a bench so people can sit to put on or take off shoes, but also that would serve as a storage for gloves, hats, and such. I don’t want a coat rack, so I’ve been looking at antique hooks to hang coats and jackets on.

The floor without a doubt will not be carpeted. Not in an entry hall. I’d be just asking for dirty carpet, despite of people wiping their feet on the mat I have on the porch, and another inside the door. I’m thinking about going with a sort of stone floor look. I’ll of course know it when I see it. This week I’m planning on going to this carpet outlet store near here that also sells wall paper and other types of flooring besides carpet. Pictures of the finished entry hall, will be posted once I get my camera to work right.

Help with Real Estate Hamptons NY

Usually people I know are looking for homes to buy or rent, but my friend Michael is looking for help with Real Estate Hamptons NY to rent or sell his home, so he can move closer to his family in Ohio. He is super picky about his property and assured me if anyone could properly sell or rent out his house in the Hamptons, that his real estate agent could do it. He also told me that the fees are reasonable and he’s totally comfortable putting his property in his agents hands.

I have dealt with many realtors who weren’t into selling a home for me or just wanted to make a quick deal and end it. In truth it was a horrible experience. Michale assured me that as he is not sure if he would like to rent on a permanent basis and leave the property without supervision, that the agent would help with all of those particulars. They have a lot of various services to choose from and I think this is great!

It leaves peace of mind that they are experienced in dealing with homes in the Hamptons NY and that if he chooses, my friend can leave his home to renters while he is living out of state. I know of course that he would make annual visits to his place to check on it, but while he is gone, this would be taken care of.


Thunderstorms and Puppy Jake

Last weekend I found out our 7 mo. old puppy Jake, is terrified of fireworks. He doesn’t even have to see them, just hear them and he freaks out. I had wondered if he also would be afraid of thunderstorms when I was looking at the skies early this morning. My body felt a storm coming on and I think the dogs knew something was going to change weather wise just by the way they were acting.

Sure enough, it started getting darker and the skies looked a grey black. I saw the first bolt of lightening and counted to three… BOOM! My poor puppy went ballistic. I felt so sorry for him. He nearly flew under my desk, spinning my chair around and I almost tipped over. He was under there shaking so hard I think I heard his teeth even clicking. I went under the desk to him…which was hard to do even if I’m small. Jake is just a pup, but he is BIG and it was a tight fit under there for both of us. Still, I held him and kept telling him everything was okay. He didn’t stop shaking though.

So, now I know Jake is terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. I’ll bet he’s afraid of gunfire also. Living around here, all of these sounds are like an every day experience. I’m going to have to find a way to teach him that these things aren’t going to hurt him. Bless his heart!

Spouts in two days

For the heck of it, I wanted to plant some seeds in some old peat clumps that I had laying around in the garden shed. I put the peat clump in little clay pots after soaking the peat for a few minutes in water. What I think the peat clumps came from was one of those Chia Pet type planters, the never worked for me.

After I put three seeds in each pot…on top the peat, only pressing the seeds in slightly, I covered them with some clear plastic to get that green house effect. I then put the little pots on top of the refrigerator because it’s warm up there and the morning sun shines on it somewhat.

I marked the date on the calendar which was the 4th, that I had planted the seeds. The seeds sprouted in two days. I personally thought it was remarkably fast. I took the plastic off because in only two days the were growing so fast that the plastic was bending the stems. Now, after four days the stems are about two and a half inches tall. I might just start all my seeds like this!

Help from a home energy audit

After hearing how having a home energy audit could save me a whole lot of money on my heating and cooling bills, I’m seriously thinking about looking into having these professionals come in and take a look at how I could cut my bill costs down.  Right now, they are nearly unfordable especially during the winter months. Just thinking of saving even a little amount of money on these makes me want to find out more about it.

I’m told that there are home improvement grants to be had also, something I didn’t know and am curious to see if these folks could help me with applying for one. I noticed so much that needs repair and improvement in this house, when I was doing the little repair work I do while spring cleaning. A home improvement grant would help so much and also make our property value increase.

If I can get a insulation contractor to come in, that would be great and these home energy audit people can help with this, I believe. I know that during the winter it could be a whole lot warmer in the house if we had a professional come in to insulate properly, we would indeed save quite a bit of money on our heating bill.