Siding problems

Today all my kids and my grandson were outside, shooting of fire rockets and such that my brother had given them last summer. My youngest daughter gave the guys all of hers and they had a LOT of various bangs, booms, fizzles and zips going. I was sitting outside watching and also looking over the garage and back of the house, to see if the snow, hail, wind and basically nasty weather over last year had hurt any of the siding, roof and window trims. Indeed it had taken it’s toll in a lot of places in the siding.

I had told my husband that I did not like the guys work, while they were putting up the siding and he ignored me, saying that he hired them because they were grandsons on a acquaintance, bla…bla…bla. In other words, he had never seen their work. I come from a very long line of construction men. Roofers, siding guys, masons, and concrete guys. Remodel men and even plumbers and electricians. I took one look at the job they were doing and I raised holy hell. Unfortunately, my husband hushed me up before I could flat out fire them.  To this day he is regretting that I didn’t…but of course, he won’t admit it.

While assessing the siding on the house, I came across loose panels, holes, gaps and even some of the corner ( I believe they are called, but don’t quote me ) facets missing. I have a feeling that isn’t the correct word, but I’ll ask a friend later. Anyway, long story short sort of, a lot of the siding is going to have to be replaced. To say the least, I am bummed out that I didn’t go on my first instinct and fire those guys. They didn’t charge as much as the men I had talked to, to do the whole job, but at least had I gone with them, they had a warranty and also were reputable. I say I and me, because my husband ought me this house when we got married. So…it is MY house to make the decisions with. Now, I need new siding and am for sure going with who I wanted in the first place. In the long run, it will help with money matters and I won’t have to worry.