Goodness…I never thought that iris would have so many babies and spread like wildfire, in one winter, it seems. But mine did! No, I’ve never dug them up in the fall, like the books and other people say to do. (not everyone does this, but most that I have talked to do.)
I’m going to ask everyone I know if they would like some irises. I have plenty. The colors vary from light blue, dark blue, lavender, a really light purple, a dark purple, yellow and a few (that I am going to keep) that are such a dark shade of purple that they look black.
I’m trying to figure out what to plant in the spaces that I am going to have when I thin out the irises. I’ve been thinking of various flowers of different blooming times. It won’t be until I shop though and something catches my fancy before I know what is actually going to be planted.