Back to the Grind

I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day holiday. To a lot of people the day off from work means a chance to sit at the pool or in the sand somewhere. To others it means the Indy 500 race or a full day of fishing. To me, it means I could sleep in an extra hour, take my time getting primped and pampered, and then cook up a storm for our annual cookout at the lake. I always make my famous potato salad and my green and white pasta salad. And this year I made a chilled fruit salad, too.

But today it is back to work. Back to reality. Back to the daily grind. I could use another holiday and wish I didn’t have to wait until July 4th to have one!

Seedless Watermelons

There were two huge boxes of fresh watermelons in the produce section at Publix today.  went ahead and bought one for $4. It is seedless and completely ripe. It seems odd in a way to be eating watermelons this early in the year. – I have no idea where they were grown other than there is a little white sticker on it that says, “Grown in the USA.”

I wonder how they grow seedless watermelons if there are no seeds to plants for the next crop? I don’t understand that whole biology thing abut seedless or hybrid fruits and vegetables.

New Flooring

This house used to have a dark brown carpet that was wall to wall. But the house is over 20 years old and its was time for the original carpet to go. I had some young guys come rip up the old carpet and install a totally different flooring that looks like wood but is made of a vinyl composite of some sort.

I like the new look of light oak flooring, but I still want some kind of carpet. I think I will shop for a nice room sized rug and add some color to the living room.