
The upcoming bailouts are a total waste of good hard earned money, and the fact that it is our (hard working americans) money is a burr under my saddle.  I say let the companies that are failing go under and let some one who can run a business and make money take them over, I am not in the mood to have my hard earned money go to bailing out failing companies and that is the bottom line as far as I am concerned, I will never support a President who is so willing to waste our money.

Fresh new start

Tomorrow this great country gets a fresh start, we put into office our next President. I did not vote for him and would never vote for him but lets hope he gives the country a chance to rebound from the last 8 years of hell we have went through with Bush. I do not think Obama was the right person to lead us out of the wilderness but he got the votes and we are stuck with him for 4 years at least. Lets hope that tomorrow gives us a start on a new beginning for this country.

Deer chili

A very dear friend of our gave us some fresh venison this week and I made the ground part of it into deer chili. Let me brag on it, it was very good and I was very pleased with how it turned out. I searched and found a recipe on the internet and it looked very simple and it was. It had a very nice chili flavor and of course I added to the recipe just a bit. I added Sweet Italian Sausage and it made it very tasty. It would of been fine with out the sausage but I think it perked it up very nicely and I will have to try this again as soon as James gets me some more deer meat, he is the only person that we know who goes hunting a lot.