Kool Aid has been my favorite cold drink for as long as I can remember, it was the only cold drink in the other than the iced tea that my mother for every dinner. The Kool Aid has to be red in coloring though, nothing but red will satisfy these aging taste buds and I have tried them all. Cherry and Black Cherry are the top two, and Black Cherry is hard to find, so when I do stumble upon some I buy up the whole lot to keep me going.
I used to enjoy Pepsi for a good amount of time, but suddenly a few years back I just got tired of the taste of all types of soda and returned to my childhood days and starting drinking my Red Kool Aid once again.
Hello world!
Hello! Hello!
I made it to the Blogoshpere! Yahoooooo!
Most of my friends are doing the blog-thingy. So here’s what I want to do with mine. I’ll post about what I like and what I don’t like, places I’ve been and where I still want to go, and all my friends and people that are related to me, tooooo!