Lonely Town

Just about everyone I know has left town and driven down I-24 to camp out at Bonnaroo until Monday. This year’s Bonnaroo has a ton of fantastic musicians and comedians and promises to be better than Woodstock back in the 60’s could ever hope to be.

I am not fond of large crowds. Especially sweaty, half naked and stoned out of their minds crowds. So I’m not going. Everyone else calls me a fuddy duddy, but I really don’t like that kind of activity. Sure, I love music, but not when I have to stand in big muddy wheat field among 100,000 hippy wannabees. I’ll be here on the internet and playing my iPod loud and I’ll have just as much music to enjoy as they do.

Disney University

At the mall I was eating a gyro in the food court and a girl at the table next to me starting to chat me up. She was about my age, maybe a couple years younger. Turns out she is going to Orlando, Florida to work at DisneyWorld and go through the Disney University program. From what she was telling me, this university is very hard to get into and she was very excited that she was selected.

I’ll look into that more when I have some time. It sound like fun but also a valuable learning experience.

At the Movies

The movie theatre that is close to our house has changed to showing older releases and only charging $1.50 for a show ticket.If we want to see the newest movies we have to go all the way to the mall.

The lower price is nice, but the popcorn is $6 for a small bucket and the sodas are $4 each. they don’t even sell bottled water, and I don’t like to drink sodas. So I don’t like to buy anything to eat from the theatre because there’s nothing to drink to help wash down all that dry popcorn or sticky candy.

Green Beer All Weekend!

We are going to parties and gatherings all weekend for a very long celebration of St. Patrick’s Day this year.

We are responsible drinkers, though. We will take turns drinking and being sober so that we have each other’s back. We would never risk a DUI or an accident because we  were drinking. I would take a cab if I had to.

We’ll be out with lots of friends all weekend. I hope you have as much fun celebrating the hollday as we do!

Date Night

Even though we are a couple and have been together for over 2 years, we still have date night. I like to celebrate the end of the work week and wind down on Friday night by going out to dinner and then watching a movie or going to club to listen to music for a few hours.

Tonight we are going to the comedy club and have a few laughs. You don’t want to eat dinner at the comedy club – all they have is burgers and chicken nuggets. I think we’ll probably stop by Appleby’s on the way over and get some decent food before the show.

New Survivor Series Starts Tonight

I’ve been hooked on the TV show, Survivor, ever since it first came out. A couple of my friends heard about it and invited me over to watch it with them. We were hooked! We still all watch it, but since they moved way acorss town I don’t see them as much or watch it with them anymore. But we chat on IM or text about it after it is over. We love the show and would love to be on it as a contestant. That would be awesome. So tonight is the first episode in the new season. I’ll be watching!

Happy Birthday, Glen!

Today is Glen’s birthday. He is the love of my life. I’m so lucky that he chose me to be at his side – he is the most perfect man in the world. I have big plans for his birthday tonight – but I can’t tell you here! Just trust me on this – a night he won’t soon forget! Love you, Glen! Happy Birthday, baby!

Christmas in Disney World

What a great way to spend the holiday, taking a flight to Disney World and living the life! That is exactly what my brother and his wife and kids are doing right now as I am typing here.

His wife got online and planned an extra action packed adventure with all of Disney’s finest characters available to play along with. My brother got one heck of a nice Christmas bonus, his wife was aware of the anticipated bonus check and took action immediately and poof they are all packed and gone, just like that. The Internet made it all possible in such a short period of time and I’m impressed and waiting for a postcard!

Ice Skating, it’s nothing like riding a Bike

I can’t believe that I let my friends talk me into going ice skating, what was I thinking. I can tell you what I’m thinking right now, ouch!!

I haven’t been ice skating in over a decade and was told that it was just like riding a bike, something that you just pick up again with ease, that is just plain B.S. I can tell you that. My back and behind are so tender and aching that it is funny and that will be the last time I attempt anything like that again, I should have listened to my “inner self” and gone with my gut feeling of staying at home at watching the profession ice skaters that are being televised right now.

Redskins Finally Kick some Butt

Too bad that the Redskins didn’t play like this earlier in the season. The Eagles did not go home happy at all after letting the Redskins kick them to the curb they way they did in Redskin’s home territory. And that is the funny part, the Redskins usually don’t defend themselves worth a nickel when they play at home, strange things do happen.

All in all it was a great game, down to the last second.