Apple Harvest Season

Everywhere I look there are apples being sold, as October is the middle of apple harvest season. The roadside stands are full of them, the local orchards are advertising everywhere, and the grocery stores have many varieties in the produce section – all begging to be taken home to someone’s kitchen and cooked.

I like to eat an apple just out of hand rather than cooking them into something fattening. Let’s face it, most recipes that include apples also include butter, sugar and flour. Why add all that fat and cholesterol to something that tastes great right off the tree?

My favorite apple variety is still the Red Delicious Apple. This is the apple that I grew up with – my mom kept a bowl of apples on the kitchen table as a centerpiece and we were encouraged to eat an apple any time we ran in the house and complained of being hungry.

I heard that Johnny Depp lost about 100 pounds for a movie role by eating nothing but apples and drinking nothing but coffee every day for about 4 months. I find it interesting that the apple was considered healthy enough to replace all food for that long a period of time. He seems to have suffered no ill effects from starving his body like that for the movie role.