Informed Decision

Thanks for the guest post by Esteban Vinson

I am in the process right now of comparing prices on different tv plans. I like to do my research before making a decision to go with a certain company over another. Of course, I want the least expensive option, but only if the service and selection is good. That is usually the fine print that you have to really dig to discover. I’ve found a lot of information online to help in my research. My wife is pressuring me to just go ahead and pick a company and go with it because she wants to get the tv set up quickly. I do too, of course, but I like to make informed decisions, and that can’t always be done on a set time table. I think it’s because the kids are out for summer right now, and they are driving her bonkers. I told her she should just go rent movies in the meantime, but for some reason, she was not satisfied with that option. It’s short term, though, and I explained that to her.