Concert Tickets

Post contributed by Leonard Phelps

My husband’s and my favorite band came to our neighboring city recently, and we were so excited to snag some tickets! The concert venue offered online ticketing, fortunately, since we heard that a lot of the people who showed up to purchase tickets were turned away. Evidently our favorite band is a lot of other people’s favorite band too, and a huge crowd gathered. I would have been so upset if I’d driven all the way in to town just to be turned away. Luckily, a few simple clicks delivered some tickets right to our email! I don’t know what I would have done otherwise. A while ago that wouldn’t have even been an option for us—until recently we didn’t have a home internet connection! Based on our location, which is very rural, we did not have many options for the service. Luckily my husband discovered hughesnet installation specialist in our area, and we were able to sign up. It’s made our life so much more convenient. It seems like such a small thing, but having access to the internet when you need it is huge!