Kitchens and guests

Our house does many things for us. We never seem to notice all the things we do at home. Of course it’s where we sleep, but it is also where we entertain ourselves and others. You never know who may drop in for a visit. We had an unexpected visitor the other day. John was a former employee of mine and he brought his wife Mary Beth. They were back in town and I was glad to see them as John and I were very good friends for a long time.

Anyway, it was up to us to whip up some dinner. As we didn’t know what our guests would like, we hinted around as to what they wanted. It was then that I wished I had bought a spice rack to see what kind of meal would be best to prepare. There is nothing better than a large selection of choices when it comes to cooking. I had seen some nice kitchen spice racks for sale on the internet and I wish I had them now. They are great kitchen utensils.

The moral of the story is that we now have some wonderful spice racks in our home. The next time we have guests, we will be prepared for them. I wish everything was this easy.