Goals are good

There are many people I know who just seem to struggle with their weight. I am one of those people. While I always try to eat right and exercise, I find that my weight slips away from me and I’ve gained a few more pounds. With summer coming on, I was hoping to tackle the problem in a more successful way. I went online to see what I could find out about the subject and had some good results.

One area where I really need to improve upon is the amount of exercise I get. I have tried many programs but have never found the best workout for me. I was lucky to find a site that had thousands of workout plans and have made many improvements to my workout routine. Now that I have that taken care of, I thought I would take a few more steps towards getting fit.

It’s always good to measure progress. I think it’s smart to set goals as it gives you incentive to do better. Knowing where you started is a key part of success. That’s why I used a BMI calculator to find my body mass index. I also found a useful tool called the body fat calculator. This information will help me measure how far I’ve come in my quest for better health. Now I feel confident that I will reach the goals I’ve set for myself. I hope to walk on the beach and feel good about the way I look soon!

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