Many of The Columbia Backpacks

Yesterday I had to go and pick my niece up from the nurse’s clinic at school to take her home. Bless her heart she was so sick, most likely the flu. Good thing I got my flu shot a few months ago and I tried to keep the window down in my truck and no hugs and kisses were exchanged in an effort to keep her germs all to her self. Last thing I need is to get sick. Since I am usually not around a lot of people that are carrying millions of germs along with them I don’t get sick very often and I always get my flu shot.

My sister was out-of-town all day and they couldn’t get hold of my brother-in-law, so I am on the top of the emergency names and numbers to call in situations like this. It was a cold and rainy, miserable weather day, so I was actually grateful to get out of the nasty weather, ride in my nice warm truck to go fetch my niece, carry one of the many columbia backpacks that she uses for school, take her home and get her up to her room. I stayed with her until her Dad got home and I haven’t heard from anyone yet to let me know if they are taking her to the doctors or what. I hope she feels better soon and am praying that no one else in the house gets sick as well.