Homemade Dryer Sheets

So I was surfing the net tonight after I put the kids to bed and I came across a really neat article that explains how to make your own homemade dryer sheets. I love making my own things when they actually work and can even save me a bit of money in the process.

To make your own dryer sheets there are only a few things you need: Liquid fabric softener, wash cloths or pieces of flannel fabric, a container to hold your dryer sheets. The article said to add 1/4 cup natural fabric softener to 3/4 cup warm/hot water and still it up.  Then add in your pieces of flannel and let them sit for at least an hour before using them.  Pull one out and add it to your wet clothes when you toss them in the dryer.  Dry your clothes as usual and they will come out smelling nice and static free.