Memories Are Held In The Wedding Guest Book

One special place for many people to look back at the memory of their wedding is in their wedding guest book. Wedding guest books are a place for people to make comments to the bride and groom and leave them with a special message or warm wishes. It also acts as a roll call or list of everyone that attended the wedding.

Guest books are no longer just a book or register in which people write their names. There are other more modern options out there. A large photograph of the bride and groom with a framed mat is a nice alternative to the standard book. Guests can sign the mat and leave a personal note. The happy couple can then display this photo of them in their home and remember everyone and be reminded of what they wished upon them every time they look at the picture.

If an actual book is more your style and taste there are many types to choose from. Custom wedding guest books can be made to fit your theme and bridal party colors. You can go from simple and elegant to modern and sleek. There is something out there for every couple. It all depends on what you want.

Not available at this time

I noticed that Justin had left the computer on overnight, and he had left the screen on a website that showed that the synyster gates guitar he was looking for is not available at this time at that store. I wonder why he left that on for me to see. Is that a hint that he wants me to help him look for one to buy? I’ll have to remember to ask him about that when I see him after work today.

Money is really tight, especially around Christmas. I can tell you right now that there is no way I could afford to buy Justin a guitar for his Christmas gift. And besides, buying a guitar is a very personal choice. You can’t just go pick out anything that catches your eye. You have to play it and check to see if the sound is right for your style of playing.

Change It Up

I thought it was a pretty good April Fools joke a few days ago when Justin told me that he had bought a new guitar, and showed it to me. I just about freaked out because money has been way too tight to even think about buying a new guitar! He let me rant and rave for a few minutes before showing me that it wasn’t a new guitar – it was his old one, with a new pick guard on it! I was embarrassed, but relieved, and that is the truth!

Have you ever looked at the price of guitars? And seen how many different types there are? Sometimes Justin and I go to the local guitar stores and look at what they have. He and I have about the same taste in color and style. But there is so much more to it than just looking good. It has to sounds good, and you have to know what sound suits your style of playing before you can pick out a new guitar.

Quick Trip for Garden Decor

On my way home from work today I stopped off at one of my favorite discount stores. They have a great section filled with all sorts of outdoor items. I found some upside down hanging planters for only $0.99. I was really excited because they are normally between $15 and $20. I got three and plan to use them for peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries. We already had one with strawberries at home, but the strawberries seem to disappear the second they are ripe so I figured an extra one couldn’t hurt.

In addition to the planters, I got some soil, plant food, and some seeds. I kept walking through the various aisles in search for some cute, kid friendly, garden decorations. I found a pretty wind chime with butterflies that I know he girls will love. I also found some pink and purple bunnies on little wooden posts that will be great for Easter time.

Speaking of holidays, I also found a couple giant four leaf clover window clings that I can hang up on the sliding glass door for St. Patrick’s Day. I think they will look great accompanied by homemade rainbow light catcher ornaments I plan make with the girls.

Single and Not Minding That

Yes, I’m single and I’m OK with it on Valentine’s Day. In some ways, it is better to be single and dating several guys – you get more gifts! I resent a Facebook friend’s comment that I should be eating ice cream and crying tonight.

The guy is a family friend is serving in the Navy and he recently got engaged. Of course, I am happy for him and his fiance, but I do wonder if this is going to be a long term, successful relationship. Almost all of their communication has been long distance phone calls, which have to be short because of the expense, and emails. I do not think that you really get to know someone well after less than a year’s emails and short phone calls. I hope they don’t get married right away – in my opinion they should wait until he is out of the Navy and they have more time together in person.

One of the fun things about being single is getting to know other people. I have found that it takes time to get past the fake bravado and extra efforts that people make for their first impressions. I want to know what the guy is like when real life happens, not just dates. How does he handle an emergency? How does he act when he doesn’t get his way? What does he do when he is not with you? How does he interact with children and senior citizens? All of these things have to do with character and values. If his values are far different from yours, you need to know that before going deeper into a relationship.

Anyway, I’m dating three different guys right now. I am not looking for a husband as much as someone to spend time with doing fun things. I am very happy being single and I loved getting roses, candy and a beautiful necklace from the guys in my life. I can assure my FB friend in the Navy that were no tears and ice cream for me tonight.

Christmas Cookies

Shopping for Christmas cookies is always lots of fun for me. My cart is filled with endless pounds of butter, sugar, and flour, not to mention the sprinkles and candies that we use to decorate the cookies. This year we plan to make sugar cookies, date nut pinwheels, snicker doodles, peanut butter with chocolate chunks, spritz, Lindsor tarts, whoopie pies, snow balls, and a few other that I can’t remember. We decided to go nuts this year if you can’t tell. I think we’re making about ten different types of cookies.

We’re hosting a cookie exchange and giving away a lot of cookies as gifts this year so that’s one of the major reasons we are baking all of the cookies. Our cookie exchange is this weekend so I’ll be baking up a storm every day after work this week and probably right up until we have the party on Sunday afternoon. I’ll use Saturday to finish up anything I don’t get done during the week. I’m excited to see all of the yummy cookies that everyone else brings.

Here’s wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving

This is going to be one of the best Thanksgivings we have ever celebrated here. With Celeste and Little Joe now new members of our family, we have a great deal to be thankful for. They have brought so much joy into our lives the we are truly blessed.

Blessings come in all shapes and sizes. I find a new blessing every single day and more than one in most. We have a full house but we also adopt a few local families for Thanksgiving Dinner too. We’re having turkey of course, deer roast, and all the extras that everyone has. Desert is of course pumpkin pie, coconut cake, carrot cake, and banana pudding.

I hope and pray that each of you has a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving too.

Assisted Living: Pros and Cons

There comes a point in life when many people have to decide on whether to continue living independently, or transitioning to an assisted living facility. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s best to consider these before making what can be a life changing decision. Weighing the pros and cons is important.

Assisted living services for seniors can provide a number of benefits. One of those is flexibility. As we age, our bodies change, and so do our needs. Properly staffed facilities can help us at any stage of life. These facilities often have staff on hand that can make expert decisions on our health and give proper advice on conditions that could be considered ‘red flags.’ This staff is available full time, which means in emergencies, people can trust that they will receive critical attention.

There are a few cons, of course. The biggest concern people have is costs. Assisted living requires early planning on the part of a person so that they can afford the month to month costs. These costs can also increase as a person’s needs increase with age. For these reasons, it’s best to start making economic preparations sooner rather than later.

I admit it

Okay, you caught me, I’m blond and sometimes it’s hard to keep me on one subject, ya know?  My mind goes from one thing to another so fast sometimes I can’t even keep up with it but I usually come back to what I started with before you know it too. See we get a lot of ‘city folk’ as we call them and they can’t leave their laptops home because they think their lives will end if their hands aren’t attached to their laptops so the local businesses provide wireless internet to make them happy. Gotta do what you can to bring the customers in and keep them happy and coming back.

Throwing a Halloween bash

My friends and I are having a Halloween bash!! The place is all decorated in spooky stuff, have a hay ride through a spook trail, bobbing for apples, and a best costume contest to boot. It all starts at dark and the whole community is invited. Well most of it anyway.

I’m Scarlet O’Hara of course, Grace is a clown, Celeste is Snow White and Little Joe is one of the seven dwarfs, Happy!! He’s always smiling so Happy fits him perfect. All the adults have to bring a big bag of candy to help with the candy we give out to the kids that come by Trick-or-Treating and other than that, the party is free.

Hey, if you’re in the mountains of North Carolina, stop by and see us. I promise you’ll have a blast. Don’t forget to come in a costume!!!