Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day is right around the corner with the big Rolling Thunder Rally happening in D.C. Although I don’t live in D.C. I can see motorcycles all over town getting ready for the big weekend. There must be about a quarter of a million bikes that attend this event each year. I think it is a great thing to support our military and all those Americans who fought in the Vietnam War. It is a sad day, but those memories that the vets recall on a daily basis is far worse than the reminder we get every Memorial Day.

A few sights to see in and around D.C. include the Arlington Cemetery and the Vietnam Memorial Wall. Although the viewing of these historic monuments is not pleasant because of the memories and they lives lost, they are still worth seeing and paying our respects to the fallen.


I have recently become a big fan of Ebay once again.  Why is it that we get involved in some project or activity with all of our heart and then get bored with it after 2 months?  This seems to happen a lot in my life.  I remember this happening with men as well.  For about a monht otwo I would be head over heels in love with someone and then it ends.  The same passion happens with things such as Ebay.  I am working hard selling and buying things right now, but check back with me in a couple of months and I will let you know how it is going.

That must be the secret of success.  If you can stay passionate about something long enough you will become successful at it.  It works in marriage if you can stay passionate aobut it long enough it works out.

Special People

Growing older can be strange and interesting at the same time.  Lately I’ve been thinking about people I knew way back in elementary and high school.  I’m wondering if Facebook is playing a part in this.  It’s interesting to see how people have changed and how their lives have taken shape.  But I find it more interesting to see how they haven’t changed.  Little traits that they held as young children still show through in their adult lives.

It is fascinating at the same time but very strange to me.  My Mom once told me that no matter how old you get you still think the same.  She didn’t mean you always reason as a child, but the same insecurities and fears can grip you in your adult years just as they did in your childhood.  Certain characteristics such as being uncomfortable talking in front of a crowd can be just as difficult in grade school as it is in a meeting when you are 35.  Life is interestign and fascinating at the same time.


The Wedding Anniversary

My parents wedding anniversary is right around the corner, May 15th to be exact. It’s a strange one it is their 51st Anniversary. Strange in a sense that the 50th was a huge celebration involving the whole family and this year not a word has been mentioned about the anniversary.

Life is kind of strange like that. We take numbers and dates and they become sacred markers to us about our lives. While the rest of the world has their own individual special dates anniversaries seem to be special only on the 1st, 10th, 25th, 50th and 75th. It’s a funny system we run. In fact over 75 years of marriage I would definitely hope for more than 5 special anniversaries.

May 8th

There is something about the month of May and a large number of babies being born.  This is the second coworker this month who has given birth.  Two babies have arrived already with two other coworkers due in the coming months.  I tried to figure out why some months carry record breaking levels of births and some carry such few births.

One idea came to mind regarding the number of weddings that occur within the July and August time frame. You always hear about couples becoming pregnant over the honeymoon. Well that would explain a lot of May births. Another popular month is January. I think that everyone would love to have the first baby of the new year born. That might be a reason why late December and early January are also popular times to give birth. Just a thought.

Cinco De Mayo

Have you ever noticed how Americans celebrate every holiday, even those that don’t belong to us?  Take for example Cinco De Mayo.  We go out and drink as much alcohol as possible and eat in local Mexican restaurants to celebrate this holiday that originated in South America.  It is crazy how much we like to celebrate.  I wonder if part of that has to do with the long hours and hard labor we put in all week long. Our work schedules; especially in busy metropolitan areas; can include work weeks made up of 50 or 60 hours. Not including commuting to and from work and going home to a family of kids to feed and bath.

In other parts of the world I’ve heard that certain countries will stop all labor from about 2:00-4:00 P.M. in the afternoons to rest. Life is made up of more leisure and a little work. Where as in the states it is made up of a lot of work and a little bit of leisure. We are definitely a country made up of workaholics and alcoholics when there is a reason to celebrate.

Receiving Mail

I don’t know about you but I love receiving unexpected mail from friends and family.  It brightens up the day when a letter is stuck between all those bills. Today was one of those days when an unexpected card came in from my little Niece. The letter read something like this.
Dear Aunt Michele I love you so much. You are the best aunt in the whole world. I wanted to send you a letter to remind you that my birthday is coming up. I would really like to receive cash for my birthday and no presents. I was hoping to save up some money so I could buy myself something. Okay I have to admit it’s cute, but for a young child to want money and not a gift. This world really has changed. Sending money really does make things easier, but I remember always wanting a gift wrapped up in a box that I could open. To this day I still want gifts that I can open. Times definitely have changed.