Now the grandmother of the octuplets speaks out

The grandmother of the octuplets is speaking out now.  She brought up some really good points about the doctors implanting her daughter when she’s not married and has no means of support for these children.  I really hope there is a thorough investigation into this.

The mother of the children has mental issues and that’s obvious to me if not to anyone else.  Her mother even brought up that she’s had issues.  The young woman has a history of depression so what do you think being tied down to a total of 14 children is going to do to her?  It depresses me just thinking about trying to see to it that all of those children have what they need much less anything else.

The whole thing is a mess or a can of worms that’s about to be opened and unfortunately, it’s going to hurt women that desperately want a child and can’t have them on their own I’m afraid.  But there needs to be some sort of regulation to keep something like this from ever happening again.  She should not have been allowed to create more children if she already had 6 at home.  There has to be a cut off point somewhere.  Besides, where did she get the money to pay for all of the children to be implanted like she did if she’s not working?  What a mess.

Octuplet Mom speaks

Well she finally speaks which I knew she would.  They must have finally met her price.  She said that growing up as an only child made her want a ‘huge family’.  Well that’s what she has for sure now.

The Southern California woman who gave birth to octuplets last week told TODAY’s Ann Curry in an exclusive interview that growing up as an only child, she had always dreamed of having “a huge family.” She also denied charges that she was irresponsible to have so many babies – especially with six other children already at home.

“People feel, you know, this woman is being completely irresponsible and selfish to bring these children in the world without a clear source of income and enough help to raise them,” Curry told Nadya Suleman in a segment that aired Friday on TODAY. “The world outside is saying, ‘What are you doing?’ ”

“I know I’ll be able to afford them when I’m done with my schooling,” the 33-year-old single mom replied. Calm, poised and articulate in the glare of the media spotlight, Suleman added: “If I was just sitting down watching TV and not being as determined as I am to succeed and provide a better future for my children, I believe that would be considered, to a certain degree, selfish.”

I still say the doctors should have to claim some responsibility in this case.  They should have to help support these 8 babies for sure so the rest of us don’t have to.  Was she selfish?  Who am I to say who couldn’t have children of her own?  There are so many children out there without families, why didn’t she adopt?  Then no one could have called her selfish for sure.

I hate snakes

One of my least favorite of Gods creatures are snakes.  One things for sure, I am glad I wasn’t living when this thing was around, contrary to what some believe.  They found this thing in northeastern Columbia.  It can stay there for all I care.

Never mind the 40-foot snake that menaced Jennifer Lopez in the 1997 movie “Anaconda.” Not even Hollywood could match a new discovery from the ancient world. Fossils from northeastern Colombia reveal the biggest snake ever discovered: a behemoth that stretched 42 to 45 feet long, reaching more than 2,500 pounds.

“This thing weighs more than a bison and is longer than a city bus,” enthused snake expert Jack Conrad of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, who was familiar with the find. “It could easily eat something the size of a cow. A human would just be toast immediately.”

“If it tried to enter my office to eat me, it would have a hard time squeezing through the door,” reckoned paleontologist Jason Head of the University of Toronto Missisauga.

Actually, the beast probably munched on ancient relatives of crocodiles in its rain forest home some 58 million to 60 million years ago, he said.

That’s one huge snake.  Here’s a picture of one of it’s bones too.  YUCK!!!!!!!!!

XML Contest

Well one of the boys that works for me was asking if he could use the computer here at work for some sort of contest he heard about in school.  It’s a programming contest. It’s open to anyone from professionals to students and he wants to get in on it. All he has to do is take a little quick quiz online and you don’t even have to have any experience in XML or database to complete the quiz.

There are five different contests that you can be awarded prizes for and recognition for too.  One is a video contest, a gadget contest, a query contest, a ported app contest 1 and an XML 2 contest.  Well if anyone can win something it will be this boy.

Mother of the octuplets

I almost fell out of my chair when I found out that the mother that just gave birth to a litter of babies already had 6 kids at home.  All of her children are from planting fertilized eggs in her womb.  I can’t remember what that’s called but you know what I mean anyway.

I have heard of people that are addicted to plastic surgery but this is a young woman that seems to be addicted to having more and more babies.  He has a set of 2 year old twins at home and the oldest kid she has is only 7 years old.  That means she has a total of 14 children.  I don’t think she’s ever been married either.  My question is what man would want to marry a young woman with 14 children?  None that I know of.  What a mess she has made for herself but most of all, for her children.

I need to find out what washer this was

I was thinking about buying washer and dryers for the apartments but after reading this, I need to know what type of washing machine this was so I don’t buy one of them.  I’ll sure pay more attention to where the start button is when I do buy one.  I read this on

A 4-year-old girl in Southern California died after she climbed into a washing machine that began tumbling when her toddler brother hit its simple push-button start.

Orange County Sheriff’s spokesman Jim Amormino said Kayley Ishii apparently climbed into the front-loading washer Monday afternoon. Her 15-month-old brother either bumped or pushed the button to start the machine.

Amormino said the machine’s controls were only 20 inches from the floor and the start switch was a simple push button. The girl was in the water-filled, tumbling machine for at least two minutes before her mother found her.

An autopsy Tuesday found Kayley died of blunt force trauma and the death was ruled accidental.

If I was that child’s mother, you can bet I would be straight to a lawyers office and sue the manufacturers for all they are worth for wrongful death.

Life sure is funny sometimes

You know how you can be just going along minding your own business when all of a sudden something comes along and changes everything?  Do you know what I mean?  Well that’s sort of what happened today.  Here I am trying to get these four apartments finished so the people that work for me can move in and what do you know, a whole apartment building was offered to me to buy.

Now I’m not talking a bunch of money either.  I’m talking cheap, as in thousands and not millions like you would think.  Well I’m thinking about it but the first thing I’m going to do is have someone really check the place out and make sure it’s not someone else’s problem they are trying to put off on me.

More words of wisdom

I’ve learned….That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I’ve learned….That we should be glad God doesn’t give us everything we ask for.

I’ve learned….That money doesn’t buy class.

I’ve learned….That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I’ve learned…That under every one’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
I’ve learned…That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I’ve learned…That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I’ve learned…That love, not time, heals all wounds.

I’ve learned…That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

I’ve learned…That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.

Tax time will be here before you know it

Tax time gives me a headache.  If you’re like me and need state income tax help, then this just might be the place you need to go too.  I know some people have to file what they call an IRS innocent spouse form if their husbands are in over their heads with taxes but I know nothing about those types of forms. Thank goodness these guys do.

I need help with the IRS 941 which is payroll type issues.  All of this tax stuff is so far over my head that I know I have to have someone that understands it all like these guys do or I would really make a mess of it.

In my life

I’ve learned…. That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.

I’ve learned…. That when you’re in love, it shows.

I’ve learned…. That just one person saying to me, ‘You’ve made my day!’ makes my day.

I’ve learned…. That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

I’ve learned…. That being kind is more important than being right.

I’ve learned…. That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

I’ve learned…. That I can always pray for someone when I don’t have the strength to help him in some other way.

I’ve learned…. That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

I’ve learned…. That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I’ve learned…. That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.