When Katrina came, life in New Orleans changed forever. I was not like a lot of people who chose to stay. I know better than to face down an angry woman;) and chose to head for much safer ground, so I took all of my employees that wanted to go with me to Las Vegas. I knew they could find jobs there until we could return home. The computer is a great tool to keep you in touch with necessary people and goings on so you know when things are better. Not the same, just getting better. Then we returned.
Hello Friends!
Here I can be honest with you. I am known as Madame Antionette, and not because I am “that type” of a Madame, but because at my age, you have earned a bit of respect, hopefully.
Most of my family is gone, for one reason or another, so my girls and guys that work for me are my family. They are my children, since I have had none of my own.
And good friends are a real treasure. Here is a place for all of you who care about me to gather round and read some stories, find some things you might not otherwise know, and just have a little fun. Enjoy!