I was really surprised when they handed me a check today. The pay period runs from Wednesday to Wednesday with overtime available for those who want or need it. I’m working all they will let me. I have to get out of that cheap motel and into an apartment of my own. At least I have a roof over my head and what I made will cover the room for next week.
I’ll probably pick up a Sunday paper and check out apartments around here. All I want is a small place. It doesn’t have to be furnished. I can sleep on the floor until I can find a bed or at least a mattress to throw on the floor. I sure hope they have yard sales and flea markets here like they did back home. I don’t mind second hand until I can afford better and I will have better some day soon.
Well I gotta find a place to wash my clothes and pay for my room so I have clean clothes and a roof over my head for next week. Check ya later.